The White House has retaliated against the harsh words of the President of Kazakhstan

  • Earlier, US diplomat Anthony Blingen also appealed to the authorities to calm down. He also said that Washington was surprised to accept the request of the Kazakh authorities for the intervention of the troops of the Joint Security Agency (Russia: ODKB).
  • In a speech Friday, Djokovic said he did not want to negotiate with “terrorists.” The president ordered the “terrorists” to be shot without warning. He said he wanted to act as harshly as possible against “terrorists and conspirators who are being paid by outside forces”.
  • For days, Kazakhstan has been mired in violent protests. Gas prices are rising
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“This order is worrying and the world will pay close attention to human rights and violations of the right to justice. The United States urges government forces to restrain themselves in maintaining stability,” Jean-Pierre told a news conference on the president’s Air Force One flight.

Earlier, US diplomat Anthony Blingen also appealed to the authorities to calm down. He also said that Washington was surprised by the request of the Kazakh authorities for the intervention of the troops of the Joint Security Agreement (Russian: ODKB).

– We have questions about the nature of the request for this intervention and we will try to find out more. Why did it happen? Kazakh authorities seem to have the ability to respond to protests and to do so in a way that respects the rights of protesters and maintains order, Blingen said.

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He added that although sending Russian troops to Kazakhstan and the situation in Ukraine are two different things, the outcome of this mission could be problematic. “I think that’s a lesson in recent history. Once the Russians come to your house, it is sometimes very difficult to evict them,” he said.

President of Kazakhstan: I ordered to shoot “terrorists” without warning

In a speech to the nation on Friday, Kazakh President Kasym-Żomart Tokayev said he had ordered law enforcement and the military to shoot “terrorists” without warning. He said “terrorists” continue to destroy property, use weapons and are ready for further crimes, and that the fight against them must end. He who does not give up will be dissolved, ” he declared.

He booked that Kazakh authorities would not negotiate with “terrorists”. – Abroad, there is a growing demand for peaceful negotiations. What a nonsense. How can we talk to criminals and murderers? We deal with armed and prepared bandits – he estimated.

He assured that all the views expressed in a peaceful manner were heard by the authorities and “as a result of the dialogue, a compromise was reached and decisions were taken on serious social and economic issues”.

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“The so-called independent media and foreign activists are far removed from the core interests of our multicultural nation,” he charged. Tokayev also promised that the state of emergency, which had been introduced across the country, would be phased out in areas where the situation was improving.

He thanked the heads of state of the Joint Defense Agreement (ODKB) for sending peacekeepers to his country and assured them that they had arrived “only for a short time”. He thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for his quick and “warm” response to the call for help.

Crisis in Kazakhstan

On Sunday, January 2, protests began in the Caspian Sea city of Jangasen. On Tuesday, January 4, crowds began to demonstrate in the country’s capital, Noor-Sultan, in the country’s largest city, Almaty, and in the Mangystov region of western Kazakhstan. On Wednesday, January 5, the government resigned in Kazakhstan. It was received by President Qasim-Smart Tokajiv. Alikhan Smilov became caretaker Prime Minister. His government should run the country until a new government is formed.

The situation was tough on Friday in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city. The media quoted witnesses as saying that there was still gunfire in the center and looting was still going on. The Kazakh Interior Ministry said 26 people had been killed and nearly 4,000 had been killed. Prisoners. Eighteen power officials were killed in the clash.

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