New restrictions in Germany. Difficulty accessing the restaurant

The German federal and German governments have agreed to further restrictions on the corona virus infection. Isolation time will be reduced and the 2G Plus rule will apply nationwide – except Saxony-Anhalt -.

Under this rule, vaccinated and treated persons must be tested for corona virus to allow them to enter the premises. Booster dose recipients are not required to submit to the tests.

This is a strict control – said President Olaf Scholes during a press conference after a meeting with the prime ministers of the federal states. But this is necessary because it “will help control the epidemic more than it is doing now.”

Saxony-Anhalt, unlike other federal states, has only a delta variant of the corona virus, so no new measures are required.Prime Minister Reiner Hazeloff said in Magdeburg immediately after the federal state conference.

Furthermore, the Prime Ministers and the Central Government have agreed to reduce the period of isolation and isolation. Isolation for those who have been in contact with victims and isolation for victims can last up to 14 days. As of Friday’s conclusion, contacts will be released from isolation if the booster is vaccinated, newly vaccinated twice, vaccinated or recently recovered..

For everyone else, isolation or isolation must be completed after ten days. However, isolation of infected individuals and their contacts can be completed after seven days by PCR testing or certified Rapid antigen testing.. It is about providing opportunities to work in important infrastructure such as health, police or fire services.

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The vaccination campaign should continue “at full speed”. Chancellor Scholes called for confidence in the modern vaccine. All available vaccines are better, especially those from Moderna and Bioendech, the chancellor said. The best protection against Omicron is a booster vaccine – he said.

The federal government and the prime ministers of the provinces decided to call for the use of FFP2 masks in trade and public transport. Current restrictions on contacts and access requirements for events are to be extended.

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