Russia. Ursula van der Leyen: The energy threat has failed

– It is the result of actions taken so far We are safe this winter. Russia’s energy threat failed. Preparations for next winter – 2023/2024 – start now, he announced in Brussels. Ursula van der Leyen.

The head of the European Commission urged Europe to step up its efforts in several areas. – Russia is likely to cut off remaining gas supplies. The politician warned that China could lift Covid restrictions and that would boost demand to pre-pandemic levels.

– We are taking advantage of exceptionally mild weather this winter. Next year may be different. Despite the measures we have taken 30 bcm of gas will be exhausted next year van der Leyen said.

According to the President of the European Commission The EU needs to rethink its budget and consideration Starting a new fund For the additional energy investments needed to make member states independent of Russian gas.

Van der Leyen did not specify whether the EU would have to take on more general loans for this new fund.

read more: Energy crisis. The coming winter will be a real test for Europe

As experts note, Ursula van der Leyen’s words are not far from the truth The real test is yet to come. Everything is caused by gas.

– This year Europe has filled its gas reserves. Next year will be tough. It must be understood that storage facilities – under normal conditions – are never used to provide normal gas supply to consumers. They are too young for that. Thomas O’Donnell, an energy market analyst and private lecturer at the Herty School of Governance, was created to store the raw material stored in the summer and use it in the winter when the Russian and Norwegian pipelines could not meet the demand. University in Berlin.

In his view, Europe is not only dependent on Russian gasBut it also opted for completely unpredictable wind energy. – If the wind is weak – in the 2020-21 season – combined with lack of suitable transmission networks and lack of technical capacity to store electricity on a large scale, It could spell disaster. These are the facts. In times of war, citizens must know the whole truth, argues the expert.

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