War in Ukraine. A soldier’s shock execution. Because he said two words

  • On Monday, a gruesome video of the brutal execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war was shown.
  • – The occupier killed us because we were Ukrainians. A word about Ukraine. For our dream of Ukraine. For our life – the life of Ukrainians,” said Volodymyr Zelensky
  • Dmytro Kuleba, head of Ukraine’s diplomatic ministry, announced that the International Criminal Court in The Hague should clear up the case.
  • Ukrainian artist Nikita Titov released the record with an image containing two words – “Glory to the heroes” and instead of the letter “O” you can see the silhouette of a Ukrainian killed by Russian soldiers.
  • More important information can be found on the Onet home page

The war in Ukraine is causing casualties on both sides every day. Monday was no different. The death of a Ukrainian soldier is becoming one of the symbols of the brutal attack by Putin’s troops on an already independent Ukraine.

Rest of the article below the video:

A 12-second video has surfaced on social media. We see a Ukrainian soldier captured by the Russians. The Ukrainian faces his captors and calmly smokes a cigarette. To the verbal provocation of the Russian, who registers the whole situation, the Ukrainian soldier responds:

Glory to Ukraine!

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At that moment, several shots are heard in the chest and head of the Ukrainian. The soldier falls to the ground.

“Glory to the hero! Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”

A few hours before the start of the war in February 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky gave an address in Russian. Then he said:

– Ukrainian people want peace, Ukrainian authorities want peace. If attacked, we will defend ourselves. You will see our faces, not our backs,” declared the Ukrainian leader.

In his evening address to the Ukrainian nation on March 6, Zelensky honored the memory of a hero who faced the invaders and stayed true to his homeland to the end.

– The occupier killed us because we were Ukrainians. A word about Ukraine. For our dream of Ukraine. For our life – the life of Ukrainians. Today, “Glory to Ukraine!” A video has surfaced showing how the aggressors brutally killed a soldier who bravely said that to his face. Zelensky said that the soldier’s death should not be forgotten:

– “Glory to the hero! Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”. Let’s find more killers. Thanks to everyone fighting for Ukraine now! Thanks to everyone who helped Ukraine! The President of Ukraine said.

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The accused before the tribunal at The Hague

Dmytro Kuleba, head of Ukraine’s diplomatic ministry, announced that the case should be cleared by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

A gruesome video of an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner of war executed by Russian forces for chanting “Glory to Ukraine” is further proof that the war was genocide. ICC investigation into this heinous war crime. “Criminals must be brought to justice,” Kuleba tweeted.

The Ukrainian minister said he saw the recording during talks with German politicians and could not continue negotiations after seeing it. Kuleba noted that the video was “absolutely devastating.” According to him, this is “only a small part of what is happening on the front,” portal 24tv.ua reported. The Secretary of State emphasized that this record was the essence of the whole war.

The main difference between Russians and Ukrainians

The heroism of the Ukrainian soldier was noted by social media users.

“One of the main differences between us and the Russians is the way we treat people. We respect people. We mourn every death, we value every life. We don’t have ‘little people’. Each of us has individual potential. Big things and we will win anyway” – Ukrainian politician Scientist Katerina Krug wrote on Twitter.

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Ukrainian artist Nikita Titov released the record with an image in which these two words appear – “Glory to heroes” and instead of the letter “O” you can see the silhouette of a Ukrainian killed by Russian soldiers.

Nikita Titov / facebook.com/nikitavltitov

You can see the inscription “Glory to the heroes”, and instead of the letter “o” there is a silhouette of a killed Ukrainian.

The image quickly spread among Ukrainian Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users.

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