Ukraine’s Defense Minister on Poland’s military support: We have not received anything

Republic“He released an excerpt from an interview with the head of the Ministry of Defense Ukraine. The whole thing will be published in the magazine on Monday.

Ukrainian Minister: No military supplies arrived from Poland

In an interview with Oleksiy Reznikov Rzeczpospolita acknowledged that Poland’s “political support” was “very strong.” – We know that Poland is currently the leader of the OSCE and has a strong position. We should have met the defense ministers of the Laplin triangle (Poland, Lithuania and) Ukraine– Red.). We have the best example of cooperation within the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian regiment. But today I learned through the media that the head of the Polish Ministry of Defense Fell ill To the corona virus, so we should postpone our appointment and wish him a speedy recovery. We will then have the opportunity to discuss in detail the possible military and technical support from Poland. We are currently in talks with various countries, especially with the Czech Republic, which is developing New Resnikov says opportunities and political decisions are made regarding the supply of weapons.

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Asked if Poland had provided any weapons to Ukraine at this time, the Minister replied: – Not yet. To date, we have not received anything. We have a long history of humanitarian assistance in Poland, but when it comes to military issues there have been no such deliveries so far.

You can read more about the situation in Ukraine Main page of

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According to Resnikov, this was because he did not have time to “meet the Polish enemy in person.” Asked if he had ever spoken to the Polish boss Monday, Responsibly.

Oleksi Resnikov has been Ukraine’s Minister of National Defense since November 4 last year.

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US Secretary of Defense: The Russian military has achieved offensive capability

President United States Joe Biden announced on Friday that he would send additional troops to Eastern European countries. The U.S. president noted that it would not be a large number.

Speaking to reporters at the Andrews Air Force Base after returning from Pittsburgh, President The United States has been asked whether it has already decided to send US troops to Eastern Europe. “I will send US troops to NATO countries in Eastern Europe in the future,” Biden replied. He added However, it will not be a large number. A few days ago, on the orders of the US President, the Pentagon placed 8,500 U.S. troops on alert. Although they were part of NATO’s rapid reaction force, Biden ruled out the possibility of sending U.S. troops to countries east of NATO on a bilateral basis.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said yesterday that the Russian military had already achieved the war capability to attack Ukraine, but acknowledged that Vladimir Putin had not yet made a final decision on the attack. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Millie warned that Moscow would pay a high price for a possible invasion. He said the United States was committed to assisting its allies in the East in the event of a threat and had taken its obligations seriously under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

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