The Minister participated in the vote. At the same time, he was interviewed by TVB

Moments later on Tuesday, 20 MPs rejected “Lex Kaczynski” in Sezmil. The bill received 253 votes in favor and 152 against. 37 members abstained. Some politicians from the ruling party never voted.

“Marshall Whittke announced he would vote at 20:07, 20:09 after the results were announced. Minister Kamil Portnisch voted – according to Sejm’s websites. Swisslovsky.

“If I saw it right, the minister voted at 20:07 during the” Lex Kaczynski “show” – the journalist added.

The Minister of Sports immediately addressed the issue. “I have a detached focus :)” – Bortniczuk commented after a while.

Wprost asked the press minister if he had voted remotely during the event. “Yeah. If there are such opportunities, why shouldn’t I take advantage of them?” – Bortniczuk replied via SMS.

“Lex Kaczyński” collapsed in Sejm. Vs. MP

She submitted the bill to the SEZ On Thursday, January 27, the PiS delegation and Paweł Rychlik, MP, were authorized to represent the applicants.. The new rules are to replace the draft law known as the “Lex Hawk”, whose actions began in mid-December.

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Before the delegates decide on the fate of the “Lex Kaczynski” Act, The Parliamentary Health Committee recommended that the bill be rejected at first reading. No surprise at Sejm. 253 MPs voted against the bill and 152 against, with 37 abstentions.

From the beginning, the act evoked great emotions. Opposition MPs called the plan “absurd”, “legal junk” and “lex confidential” so they did not hide their satisfaction with the final outcome of the vote.

What is the action about?

She submitted the bill to the SEZ On Thursday, January 27, the PiS delegation and Paweł Rychlik, MP, were authorized to represent the applicants.. The new rules are to replace the draft law known as the “Lex Hawk”, whose actions began in mid-December.

The bill on special solutions to protect the lives and health of citizens during the Govt-19 epidemic was tabled last week by a panel of PiS MPs.

The program also aims to introduce solutions that will allow employees to test SARS-CoV-2 for free and to seek information from employers about the negative result of such a test. The draft does not provide different rules for those infected with Covit-19, those vaccinated against Covit-19, and those not. According to the plan, an employee can get a free check-up once a week. The tests will be funded from the Covit-19 counter measurement fund.

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According to the draft, an employee who has not been subjected to a diagnostic test will continue to work with the employer under existing rules. For this reason, he will not be assigned to work outside the permanent workplace or to perform other types of work, but under the circumstances provided in the draft, he will be required to pay compensation to someone suffering from SARS. -CoV-2 corona virus.

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