The former president of Mongolia responded to Vladimir Putin. He showed the maps

Twice Prime Minister of Mongolia – in 1998 and 2004-2006 – and President of this country in 2009-2017 social media site X. Tsachiagijn Elbegdorj decided to mention the words of Vladimir Putin, who posted maps of the former Mongolian Empire. . The graphics show that it occupies a significant part of the current territory of Russia.

“After Putin's speech, I saw historical maps of Mongolia. Don't worry. We are a peaceful and independent nation,” the Mongolian politician signed the graphic.

Maps published by Tsakhiagijn Elbegdorje show the shape of the Mongol Empire in the second half of the 13th century during the reign of Monge, the fourth great Mongol Khan and grandson of Genghis Khan.

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Vladimir Putin spoke about Poland. Radoslaw Sikorsky also showed the diagram

In Tucker Carlson's interview, the Russian dictator didn't ask tough questions, but he talked at length about Ukraine, NATO and Poland. According to Vladimir Putin, “Ukraine received territories previously belonging to Hungary and Poland.” However, he emphasized that “Russia has no claim against Poland or Latvia or any other country”. However, he left the door open to military intervention – Russian troops could be sent to Poland if Russia was attacked.

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