War in Ukraine. Inspection of Russian ammunition depots

In the temporarily occupied Kakhivka in the Kherson region, a massive raid on Russia’s ammunition depots was recorded on Sunday, the Ukrainian news agency quoted Serhiy Khlan, deputy head of the Kherson regional council, as saying.

Another massacre. Ukrainian aircraft attacked enemy settlements

Russian soldiers’ quarters were destroyed in the city of Dokmok, located in the Zaporizhia region of southeastern Ukraine.

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– On Sunday, a powerful air strike was recorded on Russian positions in Khakovka. The main target was Svetlov, an industrial site near the well-known sumac factory, where the occupiers tried to hide their ammunition and artillery, Serhii Klan told the Apostrophe TV channel.

A deputy of the Kherson Regional Council noted that the number of Russian shelling in the region has decreased slightly in the past 24 hours and there have been no casualties. As he added, this is thanks to the intense artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Car explosion

The Kyiv Independent, citing a Russian intelligence agency, reported on the city on Sunday. New Kakovka In the Kherson region, a Russian plenipotentiary who served as a patrol commander in the occupied district was killed.

read more: The Ukrainian army destroyed Russian bases and ammunition depots

The man, whose identity has not been released, died when his car exploded. His wife and daughter were injured in the blast.

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