Russia. FSB: Ukraine’s security service orders attack on Vladimir Solovyov

The Russian Federal Security Service has arrested six members of a neo-Nazi group that allegedly plotted to attack well-known Russian television broadcaster Vladimir Solovyov on behalf of Ukraine’s security service. . In Kiev, the report of the Russian services was named “New Imaginations”.

According to the Federal Security Service (FSB) on Monday, “during a search of the detainees’ addresses, an explosive device was seized, along with eight Molotov cocktail firearms, six handguns, a hunting rifle, an RGD-5 grenade, more than a thousand different skills and drugs. Fake Ukrainian passports with photos of members. Report: Russia’s attack on Ukraine

The FSB said, “Members of the criminal gang admitted to plotting to attack social activist and journalist Vladimir Soloviv, after which they planned to hide abroad.” The FSB distributed a video of the detainees’ testimony. One of them acknowledged that members of the group had discussed plans to assassinate other Russian journalists, including the campaign’s editor – in – chief and pro – Kremlin TV RT (formerly Russia Today) Margarita Simoni.

Vladimir SolovievEastern News

In March of this year Solovzhova surname Included in the list of EU sanctions introduced after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As part of the restrictions, his villa in Lake Como, Italy was confiscated along with others. The “La Repubblica” newspaper later reported that the villa of the Russian TV presenter and campaigner was valued at eight million euros.

Kiev is similar to Russian services

In response to the FSB report, Ukraine’s security service announced that it was “interested in another invention” of the Russian service. “Ukraine’s security service is working systematically to strengthen the security of our state, and does not want to seriously comment on new fantasies of Russian services. They come with another achievement that targets the Russian people,” the SBU said.

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As the Ukrainians insisted, “Soloviev was not a social activist, but an ordinary propagandist – a Russian parallel to the Goebbels – who, after the conquest of Ukraine, would be held accountable for the crimes he committed in the international courts.”

“The SBU has no plans to assassinate Soloviev. At the same time, given the number of counterfeits and anti-Ukrainian hatred kidnapped by this person, he may suffocate in the preparations for his own vicious propaganda activities,” the SBU added.

Interfax, Ukrainian Truth,

Main photo source: Eastern News

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