Far-right identity group expels AfD – Politico

“The AfD in the EU Parliament is paying the price for Maximilian Krahe’s out-of-control statements, which are damaging the AfD in Germany and isolating it in the EU,” Anderson and Beck said.

It appears that repeated scandals have contributed to the decline in the AfD’s popularity. A Politico poll of exit polls shows the AfD on track to win 16 percent of the vote, down from 22 percent in January.

In recent months, French far-right leader Le Pen has repeatedly distanced herself from the Alternative for Germany party, which has become increasingly extremist in recent years, in an apparent attempt to help change her party’s image and make it appear less extreme in the eyes of French voters.

Speaking after a debate between the main candidates in the EU elections on Thursday, the Green Party’s Terje Renetke said this was a “cheap maneuver to get rid of a toxic candidate like Maximilian Krah in a difficult electoral situation”.

Thierry Mariani, a member of the European Parliament for France’s National Rally party, said the move represented a “rejection of some ambiguous statements” issued by the AfD. “We are in the last three weeks [of the campaign]The clear message is that we do not accept revisionist comments, and it will then be up to the group to decide its future after the election.

In January, after an investigation revealed that AfD politicians took part in a secret meeting of right-wing extremists in which so-called “immigration” plans to deport foreigners and “non-integrated” citizens were discussed, Le Pen said she was “completely in disagreement.” “.

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The news was first reported by the German news agency dpa.

Jacob Hanke-Vella and Louise Gillo contributed to this article.

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