Denmark: A corruption in the service. Intelligence leader in custody

This is a sequel The biggest scandal in Danish history in the local secret services. Findsen was suspended in August 2020 after the media revealed that FE intelligence was collaborating with US NSA electronic intelligence to spy on politicians in Europe.

Since then, corruption has become even bigger. The Danish media reported that the FE helped the US NSA to connect fiber optic cables to Denmark. Thanks to this, Americans gained access to communication between government and political institutions in Sweden, Norway and Germany.

According to the Danish media, an investigation by the Danish secret police PET into the FE revealed that military intelligence was also violating the law. Listening to PET officials.

Today, a Danish court lifted the information ban from a decision taken a month ago to arrest Finesen. Meanwhile, the media reported today that Finsen, who had been fired as director of military intelligence, had been in jail for a month, awaiting trial. The motive for the arrest is not officially known, but the Danish media reported that confidential information had been leaked to the media as the legitimate reason for the former director’s detention.

By the way, the media also revealed that last month PET Director Finn Porch Anderson and FE Executive Director Svent Larson invited the editors-in-chief of the largest Danish media to a meeting. They asked not to release the leaks in three important investigations:

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  • Ahmed Samsam, who was recently convicted of spying in Spain, may also be an agent of Danish intelligence within a terrorist organization in Spain;
  • Cases of Danish citizens staying with their children in refugee camps in Syria;
  • Cases of cooperation between the Danish Secret Service and the US NSA.

In each case, they have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine. “

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