Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister: The first conversation with the United States in Geneva was complicated but true

Following a meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Geneva on Sunday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybkov quoted Russian companies as saying that their conversation was complicated but genuine.

“Conversation is complex, it can not be simple. As a rule, it was the point. I do not think we are wasting time tomorrow“Ryapkov commented on the next round of talks scheduled for Monday.” I have never lost my faith and I will always follow it, “he added.

The Vice President of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoted by the RIA, made the assessment along with Sherman.They explored things to come. “

In a statement, the US Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman, emphasized the need for the United States to work together to ensure the integrity of the United States.

Earlier on Sunday, Ryapkov said Russia was ready to discuss in detail in Geneva on the basis of points known as Moscow. Security Guaranteed.

He declared that Russia was “under pressure and will not make any concessions in the forthcoming talks in the face of constant threats from Western participants” and that diplomatic efforts would end abruptly after a meeting. “Americans … there should be no illusions about that.”

In turn, US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen said he did not think so There have been some improvements in Geneva, and progress will be difficult “when Russia lays arms to the temple of Ukraine.”

On December 17, the Russian Foreign Ministry released plans related to the so-called security guarantee that Moscow seeks from the West. It is the draft of the “Agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States on Security Guarantees” and the Russia-NATO Agreement. Moscow, among other things, wants to end NATO’s military support for Ukraine, withdraw from the expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance, and end all military operations near Russia’s borders.

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Sunday’s talks between representatives of the US and Russian authorities began a series of diplomatic meetings between Russia and the United States, which will continue on Monday.

The NATO-Russia Council will meet in Brussels on Wednesday, while representatives of Russia and the OSCE will meet in Vienna on Thursday.

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