War in Ukraine. Russia prepares a unit. He wants to strike in Sumi area

in town Suja in the Kursk region In Russia, about 15 kilometers from the border of the Ukrainian Sumy region, Moscow was preparing a special unit.

Ukraine. Russia is preparing a special unit. He wants to hit the next round

– Since April 30, the enemy has been establishing itself there Small attack groupIts purpose is mostly accomplished Invasions and sabotage in the Sumy region – says military expert Oleksandr Musienko.

According to him, Russia plans to intensify its operations in the region so that they are similar to those in the Kharkiv region, but “Inferior strength and numbers”.

Moscow’s goal, the expert notes Creating a buffer zone And there the forces of Kiev were withdrawn.

– Earlier, the enemy tried to train, spy and identify Ukrainian positions. I think we can reincarnate there too. I don’t think it’s a big number, and I don’t think it’s going to be a goal Sumi city – argued Musienko.

War in Ukraine. Russian offensive in Kharkov region

On Friday, the Russians began Offensive operations in Kharkov region. In the morning, the enemy tried to break through the defense of Ukrainian troops.

On Saturday evening, one of the fighting factions in the region announced the attack Ukrainian units had to withdraw from some positions In Kharkiv region.

“Russians are dying in groups, but still in some places They press and win“- said the notification.

Miller: The coalition will bear the consequences of submitting ministers to the European Parliament elections/Bolsad news/Bolsad news

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