Fuel prices. Hungary introduces higher prices for foreigners.

From Friday, foreign drivers refueling in Hungary will have to pay more for fuel. The head of the office of the Prime Minister of Hungary Gerkeli Gulis announced on Thursday that only the drivers of cars with Hungarian registration plates will be given a limited and limited price.

Gulyas told a news conference Hungary Until now, it has been possible to refuel at the lowest prices in Europe, so the phenomenon of fuel tourism has arisen especially in border areas, which threatens the supply of petrol.

Fuel price range

Hungary introduced a fuel price cap in mid-November 2021 to reduce the financial burden on the population due to rising inflation.

Currently Petrol price 95-octane and ordinary heating oil should not exceed 480 forints (PLN 5.63) per liter.

According to Gullias, the drivers misused the distinction Fuel prices In Hungary and other countries a liter of petrol costs more. Therefore, it was decided to exclude drivers of cars registered abroad from the possibility of purchasing cheaper fuel.

New taxes in Hungary

Hungary announced Thursday New taxes on “extra profit”, Developed by banks, energy companies and other companies. Estimated tax revenue is expected to be equivalent to HUF 800 billion or US $ 2.2 billion this year and next.

Reuters has pointed out that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban should increase revenues to strengthen state finances after introducing pre-election spending mania and price caps. For the fuel that helped him win the election.

Announced taxes should be reduced Budget deficit This will also be the target of 3.5 per cent next year. GDP in 2023.

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Main photo source: Concrete24

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