Ukraine and Kherson. Russia Takes Ukrainian Children to Crimea

information about Deportation of Ukrainian children from the Russian-occupied Kherson region Appeared on Sunday, October 23.

“In the Occupied Territories The Russians continue to abduct our children in a cynical manner. This time by force Disabled children living in an orphanage in Oleski are taken in In the Kherson region. As of October 22, 12 students of this institution were taken to Crimea “- said Germuk on the Telegram website.

The center in Oleski is designed for children with mental disabilities. Germak said there are more than 80 children there, half of whom are under palliative care.

“Twelve children between the ages of eight and 18 were deported in groups of one to three wheelchairs. to a psychiatric hospital in Strohonivka In Crimea “- told the official. He said that the Russians had previously appointed their director for convenience.

“What will happen next for the children – not yet known. Russia is systematically kidnapping and deporting our citizens“He is repeating the worst practices of previous crimes against the Ukrainian people,” Ermak said.

From the beginning of October Ukrainian authorities had data on nearly 8,000. The children were deported to Russia The so-called People’s Republics in the Donbass.

The actual number of children taken out may be higher. During the invasion of Ukraine Russians illegally deport children from orphanages and hostelsAs well as children who have lost their relatives or contact with their families during the war.

Some children are put up for adoption in Russia. The Russians themselves admit that they are taking children from Ukraine, and in even greater numbers – reaching 600 thousand. The Ukrainian side has not received any data from Russia and cannot verify this information.

For more than a week, a Ukrainian counteroffensive has recaptured towns in the Russian-occupied Kherson region. Ukrainian armed forces move closer to KhersonAn invitation to the public was issued by Kremlin officials on Saturday, October 22 Emergency evacuation to the other side of the Dnieper.

Earlier, Volodymyr Saldo, head of joint authorities in Kherson Oblast, asked authorities in Moscow in a Telegram statement to help evacuate the region’s population to Russia and Crimea. Balance spoke about the Ukrainian army’s attacks on Kherson, but also on other cities in the region. Nova Kachovka and Hola Pristan.

read more: A disastrous failure. Russians leave Kherson province

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