“The Rolex Scandal” and execution without trial. America is concerned about the situation in another country

One of the reasons why such confidence has collapsed five hundred days after the right-wing head of state “The Rolex Scandal”.

“The Rolex Scandal”

This is how the mass media has been describing this scandal and demanding it for weeks Disclosure of sources of income Madam President. They helped her, among other things, “show up” at official receptions. Very expensive watchesIts value is significantly higher – according to Latin American media – than the entire presidential salary.

Since the beginning of Boluarte's tenure Support the politicianIn December 2022 the leftist president, replacing Pedro Castillo, a former rural teacher, who lost power due to unconstitutional betrayal and gross abuse of power, did not exceed 20%.

Extreme unpopularity

According to the consensus of the Peruvian media, No president in the country's history has been as popular as Tina PolwarteToday it is rated negatively by nine out of ten Peruvians.

As president Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006), as Argentine radio and television stations emphasized in their Tuesday comments, Peruvian citizens believed that Mrs. Polwart's presidency would be a short interim period before the election of a “proper president” and that Mrs. Polwart's role would be the only one. Prepare for elections.

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The Argentine daily “Comercio” assesses Boluarte's presidency, saying, “His government stands out mainly. An extraordinary number of 52 ministers were appointed by it“.

American concerns

Concerned about the situation in Peru Revealed by the U.S. State Department on Monday, it points to “credible allegations” related to L.Human rights violation And The execution was carried out without a verdict and freedom of expression and curbing the use of violence.

A statement from the Department of External Affairs further stated: 49 people were killed During police clashes with anti-government protesters.

In this regard, a report issued by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH) and the UN states: “use of force with particular brutality” The regions of Peru are mostly inhabited by people “Native Indian People”.

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