The chaos has been threatening Berlin since Saturday

Since Saturday, Berlin has been threatened by chaos – the German capital will have strict rules for traveling to multiple destinations, while popular applications for checking the status of the vaccine against COVID-19 are outdated and do not differ between fully vaccinated individuals. Already got a booster dose – daily “Berliner Zeitung” warning.

From Saturday in Berlin, the so-called policy 2G Plus, ie entry to restaurants, theaters and other public places will be vaccinated with the Govt-19 vaccinated and cured showing the current negative test. Those who have already taken the booster dose do not have to submit their current test results.

Outdated applications fail?

However, mobile phone applications such as CovPass, Corona-Warn-App and CovPassCheck, which are used by millions of people in Germany, cannot fully distinguish between vaccine and booster-booster at the time of screening.

All three applications were prepared by the Institute of Robert Koch (RKI), responsible for the Federal Ministry of Health. “The decision to introduce the 2G Plus policy was taken very quickly,” a ministry employee admitted. RKI stressed that it was aware that the applications were out of date and would be processed “as soon as possible”.

As of Saturday, the situation is further complicated for those who have been vaccinated with the single-dose product of Johnson & Johnson, who have recovered from COVID-19, and for those who have been vaccinated twice in some federal states and then for COVID-disease. 19.

“Survivors of the booster dose and those who have been vaccinated by Johnson & Johnson often have to go back to the pharmacy to obtain a new certificate with the new code.

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According to, the official portal of German pharmacists, pharmacies across the country are already preparing for a resurgence of demand for new vaccine certificates.

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