Slovakia. What are the results of the first round of the presidential election?

Slovak populist Prime Minister Robert Fico's ally, parliament speaker and former prime minister Peter Pellegrini, and opposition-backed EU liberal former foreign minister Ivan Korčok are clear favorites among Slovakia's nine candidates for president.

Pellegrini is backed by populist Prime Minister Robert Fico, who questions Ukraine's sovereignty. Korčok is pro-Ukrainian, a government critic like outgoing President Zuzana Čaputová, who decided not to run for a second term.

The final decision will be made in a second round on April 6, as neither Pellegrini nor Gorko is likely to win the election in the first round with more than the required 50 percent of the vote.

After the votes were counted, Pellegrini won 37.4 percent of the 98.4 percent of electoral commissions. votes, and Korčok – 41.9 percent. votes.

Elections in Slovakia. Polls predict a second round

Median SK agency projections for RTVS showed Peter Pellegrini getting 34.3%. Voting in the first round. Ivan Korčok will get 34.9 percent. votes.

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