Russia. Vladimir Putin criticizes economic dictatorship. “enslavement”

Vladimir Putin speaks before the third stage of the International Financial Security Olympiad at the Sirius Science and Art Park in Sochi.

According to Vladimir Putin’s report by the regime’s TASS agency on the economic environment, He criticized the dictatorship. He said the world is gradually coming to grips with it and getting rid of a financial model that only aims to drive other countries into debt. Enslavementwill eventually replace them”Economic colonies“And depriving entire regions of the resources they need for development.

– Building a multipolar world order, more so Democratic, honestVladimir Putin said that what is fair to the majority is historically necessary.

Vladimir Putin in Financial Dictatorship. President on Intervening in the Economy

In his report, he also reviewed the global monetary system, comparing it to “Financial pyramid“, at the top of which stand the heads of individual countries. – This against the interests of the majority – he insisted.

In this case, he also spoke about the tools available to the states Modern technologies. According to the Russian president, these create opportunities for both entrepreneurs and citizens. At the same time, he stressed, their proliferation also creates new threats that must be prevented.

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