Russia. Shooting and fire at Crocus City Hall concert hall near Moscow. Donald Tusk and Radoslaw Sikorsky took the field

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Friday evening that he was informed of the circumstances of the attack in Moscow and the situation in the region and the possible consequences for the security of the country. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski, said in “Fakty po Faktach” that Poland condemns terrorism in any form. Jacek Siviera, head of the National Security Bureau, said President Andrzej Duda was kept informed of events in Russia.

Representatives of Polish authorities spoke about Friday's attack at a concert hall in Krasnogorsk, near Moscow.

In the evening, Prime Minister Donald Tusk posted a short post on social media. “The heads of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration and the coordinator of the secret services updated me on the circumstances of the attack in Moscow and the situation in the region and the possible consequences for the security of the country,” the head of government wrote on the X platform.

After some time, an entry appeared on the profile of the head of the Ministry of National Defense. “Regarding the shooting near Moscow, we are constantly monitoring the situation. I am in contact with the general staff of the Polish army, all services and our partners,” said Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz. “We are analyzing this situation based on its potential impact on Poland's security,” he added.

Sikorsky: It's not speculative because we don't have enough data yet

Earlier, the Foreign Minister commented on the matter in “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24. Radoslaw Sikorski said the Foreign Ministry had no information about the incident yet. – But Poland, of course, condemns terrorism in any form – he noted.

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The minister was asked about the consequences of the shooting in the context of a declaration by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who said that the “special military operation” had turned into a war and that the “collective West” had “become its participant on the side of Ukraine”. .” So far, Russian officials have called the war in Ukraine a “special military operation.”

– I don't think it's worth speculating because we don't have enough data yet. As for Minister Peskov's claim that it was a war – and they realized it two years later – this makes me wonder: Will the Russian authorities release from prison those who have already said that it was a war, not a military operation? – He was listening.

SEVIERA: The president was constantly providing information

Jacek Siviera, the head of the National Security Bureau, wrote on Friday evening in the X Platform that President Andrzej Duda “is regularly informed about the events taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation and its possible consequences for the security of Polish citizens.” “

“I would like to thank the Minister of National Defence, National and Partner Services for his cooperation in developing situational awareness in the state,” he added.

Author:Acres, Momo/Cap

Main photo source: Reuters

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