Riots in Paris. “Macron, this is your Vietnam”

It was the third night in a row When people protested in Paris vs Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne announced Thursday It refers to Article 49.3 of the Constitution which allows the adoption of the text of the Reform Act without a referendum in Parliament.

This time the main place of protest was the Piazza Italia, as the authorities banned demonstrations on the Place de la Concorde and the Champs-Élysées. Several thousand people gathered in the narrow streets, some of whom clashed with the police, who fired tear gas and later water cannons.

To protect themselves from the authorities, the protesters littered the streets with dustbins.

Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans and called for President Emmanuel Macron to step down. “Macron, this reform will be your Vietnam” – read one of the slogans painted on the wall of the Tuileries Garden.

Of the 10,000 people who gathered in Concord Square on Thursday, 258 were arrested, according to the French interior ministry. On Friday, 61 people were detained when 4,000 people gathered there.

Protests erupted on Thursday when the government decided to practice art. 49.3 of the Constitution gives him the opportunity to adopt the pension reform without putting it to a vote in the lower house of Parliament, the National Assembly.

The law introducing changes to the pension system increases the retirement age from 62 to 64.

On Friday, two motions of no confidence in Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne’s government were tabled in the National Assembly. One of them will be voted on next Monday.

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