Politics: The military presses on the Pentagon. This is about handing over F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine | World news

Ukraine Preparing to launch a spring offensive to retake the remaining occupied territories. The debate in the US defense industry is intensifying in this regard title He reports transferring F-16 fighter jets to the Ukrainians Politicsciting a Defense Department official and two people familiar with the matter.

“I don’t think we are against it,” a senior defense official told the website. However, he also stressed that no final decision has been taken in this matter yet.

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As Politico points out, F-16 fighter jets have been on Ukraine’s wish list since the start of the Russian invasion nearly a year ago. However, both Kiev and Washington agreed that artillery shells, combat vehicles and ground-based air defense systems that help protect critical infrastructure and recapture areas occupied by occupation forces are more urgent.

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Politico reports that Kiev already has confidence in the matter after the West decided to transfer tanks and air and missile defense systems to Ukraine. The patriot. Ukraine hopes to do the same with US fighters. “However, Ukraine has not yet declared that fighters are its top priority, and the official stressed that the Pentagon is focused on sending equipment to Kiev for immediate combat,” the portal’s article said.

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Mykhailo Podolyak announced on Saturday (January 28) that Ukraine is in an “accelerated mode” of negotiations with its allies over new arms deliveries. It’s about handing over to the Ukrainian military Airplanes Offensive and long-range missiles. The demands come after the US and Germany promised to send long-awaited Abrams and Leopards. We wrote more about this in the text below:

See also  The White House has not ruled out handing over fighters to Ukraine. Kirby: These are preliminary analyses World news

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The situation on the edges of Ukraine

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in a morning statement that in the past 24 hours, the Russians had carried out nearly a hundred airstrikes, including on civilian infrastructure, in the Donetsk and Kherson regions. Russian troops continue their attacks in Donbass, mainly in Bagmut and surrounding settlements.

The Russians shelled Ukrainian positions along the entire front line, especially near Luman, Makhivka, and Kubiansk. Dozens of cities in Chernihiv, Sumy, Karkiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions were hit by artillery and mortar fire. Rockets fell on Gerson.

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The Ukrainian Air Force launched four strikes against enemy troops, with artillery and mortar hitting two command posts, two defensive positions, six groups of soldiers, an ammunition depot and an electronic warfare station.

In the Russian-occupied town of Yuvlin in the Luhansk region, hospital staff refused to treat mercenaries from the Wagner group, Ukrainian civil servants also said. The reason is the diseases they carry: AIDS, Syphilis, Tuberculosis and Pneumonia.

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