Omicron will eventually be available to almost everyone

The corona virus variant “Omigron, with its remarkable, unprecedented ability to spread, will eventually catch almost everyone,” he added, adding that eradicating the virus-causing disease is unreliable.

According to Fauzi, the United States will soon enter a new phase, “with adequate security measures in place.” There are enough drugsSo if someone at high risk becomes infected, it will be much easier to treat.

“Once we get there, there will be a change, this time we can be on its doorstep,” Fauzi said. However, he said that in a situation where nearly one million new infections are diagnosed daily in the United States, nearly 150,000 are registered. With more than 1,200 Govt-19-related deaths hospitalized, the country has not yet reached this level.

More than 145.9 thousand people are currently hospitalized in the United States, according to official data. Those with Covit-19, a significant percentage of whom have been hospitalized for other reasons such as injury, and these individuals were diagnosed with the infection after routine testing for the presence of the corona virus.

In a registered hospital in the United States

By Tuesday, the number of Covid-19 patients in U.S. hospitals, triggered by waves of more than 145,900 omigran variants infected with the virus, had reached record highs. It overloads facilities and forces states to seek emergency solutions.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of hospital admissions due to Govt-19 was higher than the previous peak – on January 14, 2021 – at 142,246.

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