NATO Enlargement Alliance Prepares for Plan “B”

“NATO is preparing for Plan B, namely the integration of Finland. On March 1, its parliament adopted a law approving the North Atlantic Treaty by an overwhelming majority. The delay in NATO expansion is starting to irritate the Finns more and more,” describes the Onet portal. Stockholm and Helsinki simultaneously submitted an application to join the alliance in reaction to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Sweden and Finland wanted to join NATO, but Turkey blocked the process.

– We have done our best to meet the expectations of Turkey and Hungary. If NATO allies want to expand, they need to put more pressure on them, says a Finnish diplomat.

Finns are tired of waiting

There is a political thread in Finland: “The group of opposition parties that could win the parliamentary elections in April believe that Finland should not wait for Sweden, because she is responsible for it.”

– The truth is that the Swedes are hiding behind our backs, we have been protecting them from Russian aggression for centuries. If Sweden had to wait a little longer to join, there would be no drama. From the point of view of the security of the Baltic region, a solution of only Finland joining NATO for the time being is better than both countries staying out of the agreement, Doveri says.

It is true that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is the main brake on NATO enlargement, but Hungary is also reluctant to accept the accession applications of Sweden and Finland. “Orban took advantage of the situation to raise the value of Hungary, which is why the ratification delay is a game for time,” writes the Onet portal.

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In Hungary, there is again no decision on the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO

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