Mistakes by Ukrainians can have far-reaching consequences. “They believed their propaganda”

  • – The mobilization tool turned out to be useless when the Ukrainians found that there were no more volunteers and had to call people – a Polish military officer commented.
  • Colonel Lewandowski believes another 100,000 are currently in Ukraine. Soldiers must be sent to training centers and 100,000 must be trained by the end of the year
  • – You must remember that 50 thousand As for operational troops, this is the approximate number that the entire Polish army can currently send forward, he reminds.
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– Huge losses. People are tired and weary. We all remember these pictures from Ukraine when the cars carrying the fallen soldiers drove past the rows of kneelers. This is no longer the case. It is not that these people are not ready to kneel before the fallen, but there are many of them. It has become normal. Not only are Western countries used to war, but so is western Ukraine, says reservist Lt. Col. Piotr Lewandowski of the Territorial Defense Force Training Center.

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