Milwaukee, USA. An elderly Jarion Robinson died in a stolen car accident

Tragedy happened Milwaukee (US) Tuesday at approximately 11:30 PM. According to the service report, Mom A 13-month-old boy She stopped the car in front of her house, put the child in the back seat of the vehicle and ran inside. The seat he was traveling in was not attached. The engine was still running.

by, 31 year old female She got into her car only to collide head-on with a Dodge Caravan at one of the nearby intersections. Milwaukee police told FOX6 that the occupants of the minivan fled the scene.

According to local station WTMJ4, Rescuers found little Jarian awake and crying in her car seatThe Pontiac lay on the ground and flipped upside down.

The woman and the injured child were rushed to hospital, where the boy died in his mother’s arms. Suspected of theft Andwinisha Purse She was stopped.

“At the end of the day, we all make mistakes, but there are no mistakes here,” Jarion’s grandfather said. Tony ThomasIn a television interview. – He is a good child. He doesn’t deserve it,” he added.

The boy’s mother Mikayla Tweedy He said this in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Her friend turned thiefwho was previously sitting in the back seat of the vehicle.

“My cousin and I went inside to drop off her cat…then she (woman – ed.) jumped in the driver’s seat and drove off with my baby. I called her and told her. I don’t care about the car, I want my baby back” – said the grieving mother about the sad evening.

She couldn’t understand why a 31-year-old “family friend” drove off in her car. “I know her well enough to believe she wouldn’t do that.” said the boy’s mother.

Burse is charged with knowingly causing death by driving a motor vehicle without a valid license. If found guilty, she could be punished Penalties up to 10,000 dollars. She also faces up to six years in prison.

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