Meeting of the leaders of the European Union and NATO countries

During the press conference after the meeting, Mateusz Morawiecki stressed the context Wars in Ukraine Strengthening solidarity and the Atlantic overseas approach is crucial. – I believe that relations between these Atlantic countries are very strong, and it is obvious to us in the face of such a conflict and the barbaric Russian invasion of Ukraine – said the head of government.

The Prime Minister said the question of whether the EU and NATO were unanimous in defending European values ​​arose at the summit. – I do not think so. We didn’t do enough. “We have not yet done enough to protect Ukraine, to support the Ukrainian people and to protect their independence and sovereignty,” he said.

– That’s why I ask you to do more. We must supply arms and artillery to Ukraine. They must protect their homeland. Where is our credibility if Ukraine collapses? Ukraine is declining and we are back to business as usual, i.e. can we imagine normal relations? I hope not, ‘he added.

Ukraine must join the European Union

In his view, this would be a “complete collapse and catastrophe” of European values ​​and NATO values. Moraviki stressed the importance of supporting Ukrainian ambitions on the way to the EU. – We support the immediate granting of candidate status to Ukraine because the Ukrainian people need confidence. According to them, this is the biggest hope for the future, he added.

– Russia filtered out the worst in European history Colonialism and nationalism. That is why we must unite our efforts against Russian imperialism. We must take a firm stand on the war in Ukraine.

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“Russia fights with Ukrainian ISIS for a government of souls”

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