Latvia's President Responds to Elon Musk Regarding NATO

The billionaire is a keen commentator on the current state of the world. On Saturday, he referenced a post by businessman David Sachs, who wrote “The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and NATO faced an existential crisis: its raison d'être no longer exists.” “Instead of dissolving itself, it set itself a new task: enlargement. In a cycle of self-referentiality, NATO's enlargement created the antagonism necessary to justify its growth,” he said, questioning the very point of an alliance's existence so important to our role. of Europe.

Elon Musk responded to this post. “It's true. I've always wondered why NATO's antipathy and raison d'être still exists even though the Warsaw Pact has been dissolved,” he wrote.

Comments after Musk's post

The President of Latvia commented on Elon Musk's entry. Edgars Ringewicz wrote directly that the reason for NATO's establishment was its existence and continuity.There are other enemies of Russia and the free world“.

The billionaire's entry was used by Russian propaganda. Commenting on Elon Musk's words, the pro-Kremlin TASS news agency wrote that “he supported the long-awaited need to dissolve NATO.”

Russia responds to NATO's “enlargement”. The decision has been made

During his stay in Turkey, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced the Kremlin's decision to respond to NATO expansion. The Russian diplomatic chief marveled at the speed with which Finland and Sweden exchanged their neutrality, having served them so faithfully for decades and cemented their reputation as members of the alliance. – Decades of good neighborliness have been wasted – he said.

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– We have already made organizational decisions, the Moscow Military District and the Leningrad Military District have been established – Lavrov added: “Additional weapons will be stationed there, which will be sufficient for challenges that may arise in Finland and the territory of Sweden.”

On February 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree to replace the existing Western District with Moscow and Leningrad Districts. He also decided to include the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as Zaporizhia and Kherson (also part of Ukraine). The changes ordered by the Russian leader came into effect on Friday, March 1.

Let us recall that Sweden and Finland expressed their desire to join the North Atlantic Alliance in May 2022. It was a reaction to Russia launching a full-scale war in Ukraine. Finland officially became a NATO member in April last year. Sweden is expected to join the coalition in the near future. Recently, the last blocking country, namely Hungary, agreed to its accession.

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