Jordan Clipper confronts the Canadian “Freedom Caravan” truck drivers, and discovers many plot holes

Last fall, both the United States and Canada raised vaccination requirements for long-haul truck drivers in order to combat a series of supply chain disruptions. These restrictions were put back in place last month, and since then, Canadian anti-vaccination campaigners have done so Caravan formed to protest mandates for COVID-19 vaccineRoad closures and business damage.

The so-called “freedom convoy” has become a political flashpoint, given that many of the protesters have nothing to do with the trucks, according to the Canadian Truck Alliance. It was lauded by right-wing culture-war-obsessed politicians in the United States such as Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Representative Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ge), and the show was heavily funded. It comes from right-wing donors in Americawith some of the largest donations made by wealthy Republican supporters.

Thus, it was the perfect place for daily offer Jordan Clipper to do something to him.

Klepper, of course, has earned a reputation for Confronting the Dysfunctional Right-wing AmericansFrom who stormed the Capitol To try to overturn the democratic elections on January 6 to Childish anti-purge protesters With a fetish to compare choosing to get a vaccine in order to help prevent a deadly global pandemic that has killed millions to Nazi Germany. The latest comedy “Finger on the Pulse” took him to Ottawa to try to get a sense of why these protesters made such a fuss.

“We don’t live in Germany… We don’t live in Nazi Germany. Those days are gone,” one protester told Kleiber. “Show me your papers no longer exist. This is a freedom that everyone should enjoy.”

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“Is comparing Germany an extension here in Canada?” Clipper countered.

He replied, “No.”

During his tenure, Kleber encountered a number of protesters in the convoy who Also They happened to be a Trump supporter – and they approached someone wearing a QAnon hat.

“I see ‘Q Army’ on your hat. Is Q the American thing trying to find JFK Jr.?” Kleber asked.

The man replied, “Exactly… Exactly.”

Another conspiracy theorist demonstrator encountered by Kleber said, “It’s more than a vaccine passport and stuff… Agenda 2030 is a good start… as the world is moving toward one government. They want to sterilize us so that only certain people can have children.”

For more, listen to daily offerJordan Clipper in last laugh audio notation.

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