Interview with Pope Francis on the activities of Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine. Comment by Father Paweł Gużyński and Tomasz Terlikowski

Pope Francis has said that perhaps NATO’s actions could prompt Russia to launch a war in Ukraine, according to Father Paves Kuznetsov, a Dominican national on TVN24. “On the other hand, the pope does not seem to be fully aware that an anti-social, brutal murderer, tyrant and a person cannot be treated as a partner in an equal conversation,” he said. The columnist Tomas Derligovsky described the pope’s interview with the Italian “Courier della Serra” as “dramatic”.

Pope Francis He gave an interview to the Italian daily “Courier della Serra” in which he said he had heard of a meeting in Moscow. Vladimir Putin In order to stop the war UkraineBut so far no answer has come. He is afraid of the president Russia “I don’t want the crowd.”

He also assessed the possibility of “shrinking” For this At the gates of Russia “The Russian leader acted like that and provoked conflict.

read more: Pope Francis on Vladimir Putin’s actions: Probably triggered by NATO crackdown on Russia’s door

Pope FrancisPAP / EPA / CLAUDIO peri

Father Gużyński: Francis wants to be the pope of the West against Russia in this conflict

Commenting on the pope’s words on TVN24, Dominican father Paweł Gużyński said after reading the interview, “Pope Francis did not want to be NATO’s pope, he did not want to be NATO’s pope. Clearly, this is not surprising, since Pope Francis’ previous statements have suggested such a thing – he added.

– According to the Pope, this is the origin of war and almost every war: the interests of the dirty world run for some time and then intensify in the form of a war that erupts somewhere, because in the West there is democracy, freedom, tolerance. , While doing dirty business, doing arms business, and then thinking about when war will break out with respect for mankind on its lips. Dominican continued that this pope did not want to be the pope of the West and should go to this side.

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In the words of the Pope Father Gużyński: Francis does not want to be the pope of the West against Russia in this conflict.TVN24, Reuters

“False pacifist”

Referring to Francissek’s willingness to speak with Vladimir Putin, Father Kuznetsov said, “On the other hand, the pope is not fully aware that he can be treated as an anti-social, a brutal murderer, a tyrant and a partner. Despite all its shortcomings and dirty interests, the party wants to have some basic, minimal rules. The Pope did not notice this.

Tomas Derligovsky: The pope’s interview is dramatic

The pope’s words have been widely circulated on social media. Among others, columnist Tomas Derligovsky took the stage.

We read in a Facebook post that “the pope’s interview with Corriere della Sera is dramatic and intellectual and political.” He mentioned, among other things, that the Pope was ready to travel to Moscow and that he was not currently planning to travel to Kiev.

“False, not to say too bad, because Franciszek’s words about the encounter with Orban also sound like a complete misunderstanding of reality.” Orban, when I met him, told me that the Russians had a plan that everything would end. On May 9, that is, we will understand the pace of expansion these days, because now it is not only Donbass, it is Crimea, it is Odessa, it takes the Black Sea port of Ukraine. I’m a pessimist, but we need to make every possible gesture to end the war, “said Pope Benedict, who said in a statement that Putin’s words did not mean he wanted to end the war, but did not fully understand that he wanted to end the war as soon as possible. Only an extension. Pope says such things to the Italian media “- Francesca Derligovsky commented.

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He added, “If we look for any positives in this interview, it will be the Pope’s words about the patriot Cyril.” “I do not know what’s bad about this interview: innocence, ignorance or honesty about the world … I do not really know,” he adds.


Derligovsky: Pope’s authority does not include politics or geopolitics

“Papal jurisdiction does not involve politics or geopolitics. He cannot change the facts. What Francis thinks is independent. There is also the notion that Putin started the war” probably “because Putin ‘knocked NATO on the doorstep of Russia.” Sarkozy also prevented Ukraine from joining NATO. Cooperation with NATO began in 2014 with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Did the Pope then provoke Ukraine and NATO? “- Derligovsky wrote in the next post.

“You should also know that the pope is not responsible for the security of the states, so he should not decide who and how to defend himself in Ukraine and other states. His opinion on sending arms to Ukraine is of little importance. Necessary.There is no other way to protect women and children, Ukrainian lands and Ukrainian unidentified directions, armed with rape weapons (and even suspicions of changing weapons) actually allow the Russians to continue to act, and whether the Ukrainians should be allowed to defend themselves despite the Pope’s condemnation of rapes and murders Do not know “- wrote Derligovsky.

According to the journalist, “the logic of the gospel in believing that the Pope should ‘go to Putin’ is not clear, but at the same time he feels that he should not go to Kiev.” “The argument that Putin should be replaced – that he does not want to meet, that there is no meeting and that will not happen – is an expression of a complete misunderstanding of reality, and that he does not believe me in conjunction with opinion. Let him try, but why does he refuse those who call on him and ask for support for those who are suffering? – Derligovsky continues.

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“Finally, Francis’ ‘analytical’ status is alarming. In an interview with La Nacione, the pope said that two pope had suggested to him that the end would come soon, and that Parole’s recognition as an excellent diplomat from Kazoroli’s excellent school, unfortunately, did not show the policy of John Paul II in the Soviet Union. , He added that the Soviets and Russia were wonderful countries and that both human rights in Ukraine and the previous rights of believers in the Soviet Union could be placed at the altar of relations with them.

Franciszek criticized his approach to the Russian occupation

Pope Francis has been criticized in recent weeks for not explicitly denouncing Russia as an invader, despite condemning the war in Ukraine. Among other things, early April The controversy was sparked by the last sentence of the post on his official Twitter profileIt reads, “We are all guilty.”

Later, his decision to rely on two families – Ukrainian and Russian – carrying the cross At the thirteenth station of the Way of the Cross in the Roman Colosseum.

Main photo source: PAP / EPA / CLAUDIO peri

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