Russia-Ukraine War 2022 – Live [Relacja – czwartek 7 kwietnia]

The Russian aggression against Ukraine has been going on for more than six weeks. “Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. He called on Ukrainian citizens to help identify those killed in the Russian attack. On we report another day of the Russian invasion.

> On the morning of February 24, Vladimir Putin announced the start of the invasion of Ukraine. Since then missiles have fallen on the Ukrainian army and civilian targets, but the Russian army has not been able to capture the capital. Russian troops withdrew from Kiev.

> Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastirsky said that the city of Borodjiang is one of the most damaged cities in the Kiev region. “This is further evidence of Russian crimes against humanity,” he said.

> Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky insists that new sanctions against Russia are not enough for Moscow to take peace with Ukraine seriously. Zelensky calls for a ban on Russian oil supplies.

> Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Ukraine can certainly win the war with RussiaAnd this is indicated by the course of the conflict.

> After the withdrawal of Russian troops from the city, in Pucha in the Kiev region The public grave was discovered. The city’s mayor, Anatoly Fedoruk, said Russian troops had killed more than 300 city residents.

  • “The main efforts of the occupiers are focused on preparations for offensive operations in eastern Ukraine, the aim of which is to establish full control over the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions,” the summary of the operational situation issued by the civil service said. Ukraine.

    “In the direction of Słobodzkie, the enemy is still blocking the city of Kharkiv and launching artillery attacks,” the Ukrainian command added.

  • The Times wrote on Thursday that British military commanders were making plans to send armored vehicles to Ukraine. According to the newspaper, British military leaders hope that the next three weeks will be decisive for the consequences of the war in Ukraine.

    Options under consideration by the UK Ministry of Defense include sending APCs such as Mastiff or Jackal Armored Patrol Vehicles. They will support Ukrainian troops in successive attacks against Russian forces.

  • Melanie Joly, the head of the Canadian Foreign Ministry, said Canada would call on Russian Ambassador Oleg Stepanov on Russian crimes against civilians in Bucza and Irpien.

  • The Canadian military is exploring the possibility of assisting Poland in the case of refugees from Ukraine. Sending Canadian branches to Poland is one of the options under consideration, the public broadcaster CBC announced Wednesday evening.

    Recently, a team of military experts visited Poland to assess the feasibility of assistance in Poland. “The team in Poland will make recommendations on the possible scope and mission of the Canadian military,” Defense Minister Anita Anand was quoted as saying by the CBC’s press office, pointing out that sending Canadian troops to Poland was one way.

  • City Borodjianka Kiev is one of the most damaged cities in the region, said Ukraine’s Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky. “This is further evidence of Russian crimes against humanity,” he said.

    “Locals say that in the early days of the war, planes came and fired missiles into their homes from low altitudes,” Monastirsky said. He also stressed that first aides would need a week to demolish only one skyscraper building that was damaged. They began demolishing the rubble a month ago, but the Russians shelled them and rescue equipment.

  • Fierce fighting is taking place in eastern and southern Ukraine, and the invader is frequently attacking important infrastructure objects from the sky. The actions of the Russians in the occupied territories take the form of increasing peace, experts describe Eastern Research Center 41 days after the war.

  • The Polish president said it was a crime that met the criteria for genocide Andrzej Duda In an interview with CNN, he mentions the massacre in Buxa, Ukraine. As he added, the purpose of the Russian invasion was to dismantle the Ukrainian nation. Andrzej Duda was asked if he agreed with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky, who described the crime as genocide.

    “It is difficult to resist (…) this is a crime that meets the criteria of genocide, especially when you look at the context of the various negotiations that are taking place,” the president said. As he added, the Russian description of Ukraine’s “denunciation” was an excuse to commit massacres, and the purpose of the invasion was to “partially dissolve the Ukrainian nation.”

  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zhelensky He said in a Facebook video that the new sanctions against Russia would not be enough for Moscow to start thinking seriously about peace with Ukraine. Zelensky calls for a ban on Russian oil supplies. – If we do not issue really painful sanctions and genuine weapons against Russia, as we have repeatedly asked, Russia will consider allowing it to go further. As allowed to launch a new bloody attack in the Donbas, Zelenskiy said.

  • – Until we build a wall with mortar on the whole border of Ukraine, it should be a real fortress, especially in the border areas we will not feel safe. Like the country as a whole, said the head of the administration of the Sumi region in Ukraine Dmytro ywyckiUkrinform cited.

    According to him, a five-meter high wall should be erected on the border between Ukraine and Russia – “tall and thick”. Ywycki stressed the need to build defensive forts and that they should be stable forts and forts. “The entire border with Russia must be protected by a wall, and our army must always be there,” said ywycki.

  • “Wherever the Russian army is, we maintain the same picture: no city without casualties, no village without damage. It bears witness to the general attitude of the Russian army to war, civilians and looting. Hundreds of missing persons” – Ukraine’s Interior Minister said. Denis MonastirskyQuoted “Ukrainian truth”.

    The minister also announced that a 24/7 “hotline” would be opened at the National Police for the relatives of those killed in the war in Russia. He asked the Ukrainians to help identify those who died or were forcibly deported from Ukraine to Belarus.

  • Minister Monastirsky said fatalities had been reported as a result of various types of landmines. – Our citizen died after opening the trunk of his car, where there was a grenade. The head of the Interior Ministry said the situation had occurred in one of the villages in the Kiev region.

    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Tuesday, in Buxa, near Kiev, Russians left explosive devices and grenades in the homes of civilians, where they found Ukrainian national symbols or military documents.

  • Pyrotechnicians Kiev region They find and neutralize 4-5 thousand people every day with ammunition left by Russian troops. Ukraine’s Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky has said that a day’s hostility to a given area is estimated to clear landmines after a month.

    – For example, if we are talking about a month of fighting in Borodjianka, imagine how long it will take to destroy that area, you can stay there completely safe – said Monastirsky, quoted by UNIAN.

  • Three civilians were killed
    As a result of the Russian artillery attack on the city Balaglia in the Kharkiv region In the northeastern part of Ukraine, the local provincial prosecutor’s office reported Wednesday that Russian troops had previously shelled Balochistan on April 2-3. One person was pronounced dead at the scene.

    In late March, it was reported that Russian forces had arrested three representatives of the city office in Bologna – Mayor Ivan Stobovy, his deputy and a department head. According to the administration of the President of Ukraine, all these people agreed to cooperate with the occupier.

    The town of Balaklija district (district), 90 km southeast of Kharkiv, had a population of about 27,000 before the war. Residents.

  • From Mariupol and Berdyanska Own transport and buses 3,686 came to Saboria“- Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Verszuk quoted Ukrainform as saying that 1,206 people in the Lukansk region had been evacuated from the Serverdonetsk, Liszanska, Bopasna, Roubini and Hirsch.

    A day earlier, on Tuesday, about 3.8 thousand people had been evacuated. People.

Main photo source: Roman Philippi / PAP / EPA

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