I’m a live-in nanny – there are five things I will never do

Fatherhood and Motherhood

March 5, 2023 | 11:55 a.m


Don’t be salty, I’ve got a lot on my no-do list🤣 #Nanny

♬ original sound – braonine

Joe Frost may have also called her.

Brenna, a part-time nanny who lives in Utah, TikTok took over Last week to share the five things you’ll never do on the job after working in the profession for five years.

Her video has already reached 38,100 views on the social media app.

Brianna begins the 48-second clip, revealing that her first rule is that she’s not the housekeeper — she’s the nanny.

“I’ll clean up after just the kids and me, empty the dishes, do the kids’ laundry, and pick up after ourselves,” she explained.

However, she admitted that if she was watching a child, things would be a little different, and she would make some exceptions.

The second requirement on her list is that she wouldn’t work for a family that wouldn’t let her take the kids out of the house, as she showed clips of herself taking the kids to places like Starbucks and Chick-fil-A.

“Personally, I don’t know how to entertain your kids at home for 10 hours,” Brianna said, “and the kids and I will just go crazy.”

She added, “I’ve tried it before with previous families and it didn’t work for me, and I ended up quitting.”

In her TikTok video, Brenna revealed the list of limits she sets when she works as a nanny.
She said that if the children’s parents didn’t want them to leave the house, she wouldn’t work with the family.

Another rule of Brianna’s is that she will not accept late payment, and she admitted that this is something that has happened to her often in the past. It also claimed that it would not lower its rates in order to “smooth out” the family’s needs.

In the video, she states, “I’m going to find someone who will pay me what I’m worth.” “I won’t see any more children including your friends or your family’s children, unless you want to pay me a lot.”

The fifth and final thing Brianna won’t do is work outside of her hours.

“It’s my time off, bye,” she said as she finished the video.

The Post has reached out to the nanny for comment.

In the comments section of her TikTok video, many users praised her for setting boundaries in the job, and admitted they could relate to her struggles as a nanny.

“I raised a young child in a two-bedroom apartment and wasn’t allowed to leave the property, and I almost lost my mind, so this rule is fine,” one user wrote.

If the family wants her to see more kids, that’s also a no-go for Brenna.

Another person agreed, and shared a similar story.

They claimed “this was low key validation”. “I’m a babysitter of about two years old and I work 12 hour shifts. I’m not allowed to take him anywhere and I’m so bored. We can play in the yard but that’s it.”

“The hardest boundary for me was reminding parents that I’m a nanny, not a therapist. That I’m here to take care of the kids, not the kids. 😤,” another admitted.

She also stated that she will not work outside of her working hours.

However, a few users seemed to disagree with what you shared in the video.

One wrote: “I was watching more kids before they entertained each other.”

Another agreed, “I wouldn’t hire someone with your attitude. If you live in the house, treat the house as your own—that is, clean it up after yourself.”

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