France does not want to “crush Russia”. Macron says what will happen then

On his return from Ukraine, the French president said he had heard comments about “the purpose of this war.” Crushing Russia “. – Let me say you are wrong at this point. If you do, you will never get peace of mind – he said.

The French president also said that crushing Russia was not the goal of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky. – President Zhelensky defends his land. We want to help him with that – said. In his opinion, “commentators and some leaders should not push beyond what the Ukrainians are doing.”

The rest of the article is below the video

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Macron: You can win the war but lose the peace

In an interview with BFMTV, Macron stressed that “sometimes we win the war, but we lose the peace.”

The French president reaffirmed France’s support for Ukraine and noted in an earlier statement that Russia “should not be humiliated.”

“We are doing everything we can to ensure that Ukraine wins this war,” he promised.

In the discussion of obstacles, strong words are said about how far they should go. There are two camps. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the United States has indicated that the reaction of the West must be decisive. Putin should be treated like a pariah. There are some leaders as well They believe Putin should be given something in return for ending the war and that the West should ease sanctions.If the Kremlin moves in that direction.

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