France. Danced in front of his dead wife’s coffin. The video has touched the netizens

Nine days after Agnes Lassalle’s murder, family and friends gathered for a funeral at the Church of St. Eugenie in Biarritz on Friday, March 3.

The funeral of the murdered Agnes Lasalle. Pardon Bishop

Already at the beginning of the ceremony, after a long silence, South American music played. – “A” for “Cupid”, “A” for “Agnes”. Agnes loved life and dancing. We will give hope to all the youth who will build the next generation – said the pastor who conducted the funeral. After a while he mentioned forgiveness. However, he did not directly name the girl’s abuser.

France. Murder in Spanish class

53-year-old Agnes LaSalle is a teacher. On February 22, he was stabbed by his 16-year-old student during Spanish class at a private Catholic school. His details have not been made public. A source close to the case told Le Picaro at the time that the woman had been stabbed in the heart. Her life could not be saved.

The police arrested the youth. According to his explanations, he did it “because he heard voices at night asking him to do it,” Le Picaro learned. In turn, reported that the student said he liked it. High school students were sent home.

The tragedy rocked France and while national education minister Bob Ndiaye offered public condolences to the bereaved family, the funeral was private. However, the husband’s touching tribute to his dead wife went viral on the internet. The manner in which he honored her memory moved netizens.

France. He danced on the grave of his dead lover

After a long silence and a moment of concentration, the man began to dance in front of his beloved’s coffin to the rhythm of the French version of “Love” – ​​a song by Nat King Cole and Bert Gambert. He arranges his hands as if resting on Agnes’s invisible hands. After a few seconds, the deceased’s husband joins others in dancing, either in pairs or alone.

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According to French media, dancing was a shared passion of the couple and the song was also one of their favourites.

“Brave, Tender, Sad”

“I have never seen something so beautiful, moving, surprising and sad at the same time. Something so bold, intelligent, tender and majestic as these few steps of a man’s love dancing in front of a coffin,” wrote one of the netizens. .

“Following the terrible tragedy in Saint-Jean-de-Luz this morning, the whole of France is in mourning. My heartfelt thoughts go out to the families of the late teacher, her relatives, colleagues and students.” – President of the National Assembly.
“Such a gesture requires great strength and great sense,” said another.

“Such a declaration of love is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen,” wrote one netizen, wishing the man a lot of courage.


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