European Parliament elections 2024. France – Macron dissolves parliament in reaction to Le Pen’s victory

European Parliament elections 2024. French President Emmanuel Macron – after a landslide victory for the far-right National Rally – announces the dissolution of parliament. Marine Le Pen – the face of the National Rally – welcomed the move with “delight”. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said it was a “dramatic failure” by Macron and that Poland would therefore “bear increasing responsibility for the future of Europe”.

Poll Election Results. Special service

Citizens of EU member states have elected their 720 representatives, who will decide which direction the community should take.

France – Preliminary results. The French president announced the dissolution of parliament

In France, a far-right, nationalist party National Union (RN – Rassemblement National), the face of the campaign Marine Le Pen won – according to the change, 95.3 percent. Votes in Election Commissions – Many 32.4 percent Support.

This result is more than double the result achieved The Besoin d’Europe coalition, i.e. the electoral list of forces gathered around President Emmanuel Macron (his party revival). – Voted randomly. 14.4 percent Voters. In third place is the list of the Socialist Party, which, according to these incomplete results, received approximately 13.4 percent. votes.

In response to the disastrous election results, the French president announced the dissolution of parliament and early parliamentary elections to be held on June 30, with a second round on July 7.

In a televised address, the head of state said the outcome of the European Parliament election was “not a good result for the parties that defend Europe”. “The power of nationalists and demagogues is dangerous for our nation, but also dangerous for our Europe and France’s place in Europe and in the world,” Macron said.

He estimated the far-right’s expected turnout at nearly 40 percent. Polls say over 30%. Votes in the European Parliament elections for the National Union, but about 5 percent. For another far-right party – the Regenquista.

Le Pen ‘ready to rebuild country’

Earlier on Sunday, after exit polls were announced and before official results were announced, National Rally leader Jordan Bardella announced his party would call for parliamentary elections.

The 28-year-old Bartella opened the electoral list of ZN in the European Parliament elections – the former National Front, long led by Marine Le Pen as the party’s informal leader.

Marine Le Pen and Matteo SalviniMichael Maraviglia/ANSA/PAP

Marine Le Pen welcomed the move with “delight”. He declared that his party was ready for new elections and to take power in France “if the country believes in it”.

“We are ready to rebuild the country, ready to protect the interests of the French, ready to end mass immigration, ready to make the purchasing power of the French a priority, ready to start the reindustrialization of the country,” the president said. French extreme right.

Next Committees of the European Parliament in France:: Reveiller l’Europe includes the Socialist Party and the General Square Party, resulting in – 14.00 percent, France Untamed (LFI – La France Insoumise) – 8.70 percent, Republicans (LR – Les Républicains) – 7 .20 percent, La France fière – Coalition La France fière – 5.50 percent, Europe Ecology – The Greens (LE – EELV – Les Écologistes – Europe Ecologie Les Verts) – 5.20 percent.

Next places: Gauche Unie – Coalition Gauche Unie (Parti communiste français, Gauche républicaine et socialiste) – 2.50 percent, AR – Alliance Rurale – 2.50 percent, PA – Party Animalist – 2.20 percent, UPR, Union 1.20 percent L’Europe ça suffit – Alliance L’Europe ça suffit – 1.00 percent, NPA – Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste – 0.20 percent, other parties – 3.30 percent.

Dusk: Macron suffers dramatic defeat

Prime Minister Donald Tusk was asked about France’s results on election night in Warsaw. – We have France, where President Macron seems to have no choice but to dissolve parliament because he suffered a very dramatic electoral defeat – he said.

“To those who question the whole of European and geopolitics, I would say the political creation of the West,” he added. – So in some way it is a lesson and learning for all of us. We are proud to be an example in Poland that it can be quite different. They will appreciate it all over Europe. But this puts the responsibility for Europe’s future more and more on our shoulders, Tusk said.

Macron dissolves parliament. Donald Tusk commentedTVN24, Reuters, PAP, TVN24

Main photo source: Hannah McKay/EPA

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