British intelligence says Russian advances in Kyiv have made little progress

LONDON (Reuters) – Russia’s advance in the Ukrainian capital has made little progress over the past three days, and the cities of Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Mariupol remain in Ukraine’s hands, British military intelligence said.

The British Ministry of Defense said in an intelligence update that “the main body of the large Russian column advancing towards Kyiv is still more than 30 km from the city center after being delayed by heavy Ukrainian resistance, mechanical collapse and congestion.”

And she added, “The column has not made significant progress in more than three days.” “Despite the heavy Russian bombardment, the cities of Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Mariupol are still in the hands of the Ukrainians. Some Russian forces have entered the city of Kherson, but the military situation is still unclear,” he added.

“The Russian Ministry of Defense has had to admit that 498 Russian soldiers have already been killed and 1,597 wounded in Putin’s war. It is almost certain that the actual number of dead and wounded will be much higher and will continue to rise.”

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(Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge). Editing by William James

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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