Andrzej Duda on the separatists’ “referendum”: It’s lame. The decision is planned in the Kremlin

– Russia’s aim in the war against Ukraine is to erase it from the world map, and its role is the right of Ukrainians to be a nation – US President Joe Biden on Wednesday at the new UN. York.

– This is a sufficient statement. Without mentioning Putin’s speech, President Duda said in Joe Biden’s speech that the United States would maintain a firm line, with a very dry assessment of the facts being dealt with in occupied Ukraine.

The theme of the show was “Yes”. Address of the President of Russia About the partial mobilization and fake referendum in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

These are artificial polls, Lyndon, it is known in advance that this has nothing to do with honesty. It even insults democracy, and it is known that the result is planned in the Kremlin – President Duda said.

– There is no war on Russian territory, there will be no war on Russian territory, in fact Ukrainians are fighting to recover their land. Excuses can always be found – said Duda about President Putin’s nuclear threats.

– I believe that Putin and his entourage know what it means: at least using it will break the ban, which will have unpredictable consequences, and Russia will become an enemy of the whole world – the president explained.

In the program “Czarno na biały” on TVN24 A report on “The Power of Lies” was airedIt contained materials indicating that the Macierewicz subcommittee had research results that contradicted the thesis of an explosion in the wing of the presidential Tu-154 flying to Smolensk and which were not published.

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President Duda was asked about the allegations against Macierewicz that appeared in public.

– I believe that Minister Macierewicz is very worthy of the Republic of Poland and that he always has noble intentions. (…) Various accusations will appear, so I allowed the opposition to ask a very unpleasant question: what did Donald Tusk do about the death of the President of the Republic of Poland – said the President.

As he added, he “expects an objective view in both directions. Strive for the truth at all costs, and establish this truth when there is a better time to do so.”

Law and Justice spokesman Radosław Fogiel expressed hope that Andrzej Duda would prove to be supportive of postponing local elections. According to Gazeta Viborza, the ruling party has already concluded an agreement with the president on the matter.

– What will the president decide? – asked Marcin Vrona.

– Very sensible, listens to different voices, also in NEC. I will wait to see what motion is presented – explained the President.

As he added, he is not in favor of significantly postponing these elections because he does not want to disrupt the democratic processes, but he wants the voting to be as clean as possible.

Source: TVN24

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