Andrei Byontkovsky: Call Johnson & Duda to Kiev – Announce No Flying Over Ukraine

On Monday, the “La Stampa” newspaper announced on Thursday that Italian Prime Minister Mario Tragi, German Chancellor Olaf Scholes and French President Emmanuel Macron would visit Kiev. As emphasized, the talks between the politicians and the leader of Ukraine Volodymyr Zhelensky should focus on the issue of “opening” this country’s candidacy for the EU. Earlier, the German daily “Bild am Sonntag” announced that the visit would take place ahead of the G7 summit scheduled for June 26-28.

The French president has not yet confirmed his visit to Kiev. There is also uncertainty about the presence of the other two politicians in Kiev.

Given the current approach of France, Germany and Italy to the conflict caused by Russia, Ukrainian officials are silent on the possible arrival.

– I’m afraid that [Macron, Scholz i Draghi] They will try to reach an agreement on the “Minsk III” agreements [na wzór porozumień podpisanych przez Rosję, Ukrainę, Niemcy i Francję ws. uregulowania konfliktu w Donbasie]. They will say that we must stop the war that is causing food and economic problems, that the Russians and Ukrainians are dying, that we must help Putin’s face, that the Russians did wrong, that they must be forgiven and given a chance. Returning to the world stage – he said in an interview with “Built” Oleksi Arrestovich, adviser to the President of Ukraine.

Andrei Piontkovsky, a Russian exiled analyst and political writer, hopes that the political leaders of France, Germany and Italy will be deported from Kiev.

– Macron, Scholes and Troki – chased from Kiev. Call Johnson and Duda and declare “no flying” over Ukraine. English and Polish pilots are ready to fight with Ukrainian pilots in the Ukrainian skies. The war in Britain 1940, the war in Ukraine 2022. Not for Hitler, not for Putin

– He wrote on Twitter today.

Byontkovsky was a supporter of the Ukraine-Poland-Great Britain military alliance.

See also  Russia sends part of its military back from Georgia to Ukraine [RELACJA]

– All three countries can put “Gopnik” in its place – an analyst recently rated on Twitter.

In an earlier post, he estimated that “dramatic results are needed at dramatic times”.

– Pilots from Great Britain, Ukraine and Poland can offer “no flying” over Ukraine. Then to Austin [Lloydowi, sekretarzowi obrony USA] He wrote that it would be easier to overcome Putin’s pro – Putin opposition within the administration – as promised – by moving the sky and the earth.

Authorities in the attacking country are calling for the start of a war to close the skies over Ukraine. However, this will require the involvement of the NATO Air Force. Despite calls from some member states, the coalition has not yet made any decision on the issue.


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