White House Translates From Joe Biden’s Words About “Liberation of Iran” World News

During his speech on Thursday at MiraCosta College in California, Joe Biden spoke, among other things, about the ongoing objections In Iran. – Don’t worry, we will free Iran. The US President has said that they will be released soon.

President of the United States He didn’t explain exactly what he meant. He also did not elaborate on what steps the U.S. should take against officials in Iran.

“He expressed his unity”. White House straightens out Biden’s words on Iran

US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby briefed Joe Biden. He noted that the Iranian authorities were facing problems of their own making.

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He added that the US President would once again express his solidarity with the protesters. He said Iran’s leaders were “facing problems of their own making”. “We will continue to look for ways to hold the regime accountable for the way it treats its own people,” Kirby added.

A spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council, when asked, denied that Iran would change power in the near future.

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Protests in Iran. The police shot dead the protestors

Protesters have taken to the streets in Iran since it was revealed that the moral police tortured a young Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, for not wearing her hijab properly. Demonstrators are calling for the resignation of the supreme spiritual leader, an unprecedented demand in Iran.

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Iranian security services are another Once He opened fire on the protestors. According to local activists and Western media, this should happen at some point objections On the outskirts of Tehran.

Thousands of people gathered at a cemetery on the outskirts of Tehran where the tomb of Hadith Najafi is located. She was an Iranian woman who had earlier been shot by security forces during another protest.

According to witnesses, the police had to shoot the assembled demonstrators. The number of casualties or injuries is unknown. State-run Iranian media said protesters attacked police officers and one person was killed, but reliable sources did not confirm the report.

At least 277 people have already died in recent protests, according to human rights groups. Thousands of Iranians were imprisoned.

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