What to expect from Valve (and Steam) in 2023

That’s right: Valve could make a video game. And when they do, the results are usually something special. Are we likely to see something new this year? When it comes to Valve, you’re always safer assuming the answer is no. But let’s review what the company has said publicly about its development ambitions.

talk with Famitsu“,”Cruciform valveGreg Comer said, by translating, that the company has “a lot of games in development” and “will continue to release games”. He completed:

“Game development is very important to Valve. I don’t know the exact numbers, but the percentage of employees involved in game development is high. A lot of people are involved.”

Yep, that sounds like your friend’s band’s Facebook post that says “big things are coming!” But unlike your friend’s little music project (they haven’t written a song yet, let’s be real), it’s reasonable to suspect that Valve should have something, right? Virtual reality was a huge inspiration for the company, at least it got them talking about the H-word, Kummer said Famitsu“,”Half-life: Alex It was a really fun game […] It’s still fun to go back [to that world] And tell more stories The company is said to like to continue to explore half life Con.” (See? You’re thinking about it again. C’mon. Time to move on.) Sure, I can hear you say, That must mean something??

Release the valve Aperture office job (which was little more than a Steam Deck tech demo) in 2022. And as people are used to, it’s rated aaaaa and that of course leads to wild speculation. It could be the aforementioned datamine Read here in the Google Doc. (72 pages, huh? Challenge accepted). It contains very detailed information about Four matches are possible. The first is the source 2 (valve main drive) from csgo. It appears that the post is connected to a canned entry in outlet series. Another is called “Castle” and appears to be an “RTS/FPS hybrid” with some team, class, and team structure. Finally, dare I write this, another looks like “continue Half-life: Alex,” like It was described by journalist Tyler McVicker. Read into such things at your own risk and potential for disappointment.

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So yeah, it looks like Valve is spending resources and energy on developing the game. And that’s all anyone, but Valve, can say on the matter.

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