Was Shoigu afraid of Prigozhin? A surprising announcement [RELACJA NA ŻYWO]

– There will be some turbulence in the market, but the situation should stabilize. There are possibilities to adapt to the EU ban on synthetic fuels, including diesel, both in Europe and globally, Czyżewski told PAP.

According to the economist, if Russia cannot sell diesel in Europe, it will sell to China, India, Africa or Latin America, so those countries will buy less diesel elsewhere. Global flows of these fuels will be redirected over time, but it will take time, he stressed. The ban on Russian oil transported by tankers did not cause any violence in the market – he recalled.

The vice president of Unimot estimated that the product is available globally, e.g. In the Middle East, the US or China, internal demand is low due to the pandemic situation. However, delivering it to Poland takes longer and is more expensive.

– The challenge will be the extended logistics chain – a ship from Primorsk to Kdynia in 2 days, from the Red Sea region – 30 days, and from India about 40 days. Due to the distance, the product is also supplied by large vessels that cannot call directly at the ports of Gdynia and Świnoujście due to the small depth – said Brzozowski.

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