War Russia – Ukraine 2022 – Live [Relacja – wtorek 5 kwietnia]

It is the 41st day of the Russian occupation of Ukraine. According to the UN, “Ukraine is one of the most mined countries in the world.” The “New York Times” reports that satellite images of Maxar contradict Russia’s theory that civilian killings took place in Bucza after its troops left the city. Photographs show the bodies of civilians lying on the streets of Buxa, at least since March 11. On tvn24.pl we report another day of the Russian invasion.

> Vladimir Putin On the morning of February 24 Ukraine announced the start of the invasion. Since then missiles have fallen on the Ukrainian army and civilian targets, but the Russian army has not been able to capture the capital. Russian troops withdrew from Kiev.

> After the Russian troops left the city, in Pusa in the Kiev region The public grave was discovered. The city’s mayor, Anatoly Fedoruk, said Russian troops had killed more than 300 city residents.

> Satellite images contradict Russia’s theory that civilian killings in Buxa took place after its troops left the city – New York Times

> “Seven bombings were recorded at a phenol factory, including three filter columns, three commercial product collectors, the distillery’s mezzanines, material pipes, a tank and metal structures,” Ukrinform reports.

> Russian forces have withdrawn from the Kiev and Chernihiv regions and are beginning to withdraw from the Sumi region, experts with the Eastern Research Center (OSW) say 39 days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

  • A further nine Russians and nine Belarusians will be on the list of those subject to sanctions over the war in Ukraine, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie said in a statement on Monday.

  • US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield Washington has announced that it will call for a United Nations General Assembly Russia suspends membership of UN Human Rights Council.

    – Russia’s membership in the Human Rights Council is a farce. That’s wrong, so we think the time has come for the UN General Assembly to vote in favor of its removal, said Thomas-Greenfield, who visited Bucharest on Monday, to assess how Romania is handling the arrival of Ukrainian refugees.

    The ambassador told Reuters he wanted a referendum on the issue this weekend.

  • According to the United Nations, “Ukraine is one of the most mined countries in the world. More than 1.8 million people lived near the mines for eight years before the Russian invasion.” According to preliminary estimates, the area of ​​Ukraine is approximately 80,000 square kilometers, which is one of the highest in the world.

  • “Seven bomb blasts were recorded at a phenol factory on Tuesday, damaging the following: 3 filtration columns, 3 collectors of commercial products, distillery mezzanines, material pipes, a tank and metal structures. No threat to the environment” – Ukrinfar reports.

    According to Ukrinform, based on the statements of the Ukrainian forces Donbass Severe shell attack Chevrodonetsk It damaged four facilities including spare parts warehouse, farm buildings, garages, infrastructure facilities, cars and gas pipeline. Nowodrużesk settlements (1099 recipients) i Maloryazantsevo (440 customers) Gas supply cut off due to shelling.

  • Tuesday’s meeting of the Security Council is aimed at reviewing Ukrainian allegations of civilian killings by Russian soldiers. It soundsIn the northwest of Kiev, after hundreds of bodies were found, some of them were tied up and shot at close range.

    – I would like to emphasize that we are interested in a more thorough and transparent investigation, the results of which will be known and explained to the entire international community – said the President of Ukraine. Volodymyr Zhelensky.

  • “I spoke with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about the current security situation and the Buxa assassination,” Dmitry Kuleb, the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, wrote on his Twitter account.

    “Ukraine will use all UN mechanisms to gather evidence and bring Russian war criminals to justice. Russia has no place in the UN Human Rights Council,” he promised.

  • During the war between Russia and Ukraine, among the believers Of the Orthodox Church of the Patriarchate of Moscow12,000 of the 19,000 Ukrainian Orthodox parishes, the rebellion against the Patriarchate and its superiors is on the rise – reports BBC.

  • Ukrainian soldiers inspect the hangar where the largest damaged Ukrainian transport aircraft Antonov An-225 Mriya is located.

  • Satellite images of the streets from the New York Times It sounds After the liberation of a village near Kiev on March 11 and April 2, they show 11 similar shapes of human bodies lying on Jablonska Street in the same locations where they were found, as shown in the first videos released on the same day.

    “The cause of death was not clear. Some of the bodies looked like a ditch. Others were next to abandoned cars. Three bodies were lying on the side of bicycles. Some had their hands tied behind their backs in white. Cloth,” the newspaper explains.

    As the “NYT” points out, these images contradict the story put forward by the Russians, that after their withdrawal the death of a civilian took place, and the street scene where the bodies lay was staged. To encourage these claims, the Kremlin announced the convening of a conference and called for an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council.

  • The Ukrainian foreign minister told the BBC that he needed to change the situation in Buxa and remove the reluctance to supply arms to Ukraine or impose tougher sanctions on Russia. Dimitro Guleba.

    – Bucza massacre will eliminate any hesitation and reluctance in the West Ukraine will allow our country to get rid of all necessary weapons, including aircraft, tanks, missile missiles and armored vehicles, from the Russian occupiers. The same applies to sanctions – if any of my colleagues in Europe or abroad say that some sanctions are inappropriate or too severe and should not be imposed, I would consider it a betrayal of the people killed in Buxa and other areas and the civilians killed. – Said the head of Ukrainian diplomacy.

  • Russia will submit to the UN Security Council evidence that its forces did not kill civilians in Ukraine and did not take part in the events. It sounds Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebensia. “We have the empirical evidence to support this,” he told a news conference. “We intend to present them to the Security Council as soon as possible so that the international community is not deceived by the false conspiracy of Kiev and its Western sponsors,” he added.

Main photo source: Lafarge Rafael / Abaga / BAP / EPA

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