War on all fronts and Putin’s devil breath

The war in Ukraine has temporarily distracted Europe from the deadly disease it has been battling for years. It was replaced by political correctness. But the problem is not over. It is enough to combine the obvious facts to understand the causes, the essence of the problem and its consequences. Riots spreading to burning France and other countries were the last warning bell. The policy of multiculturalism has serious consequences, and the myth of open society imposed on the countries of the European Union is Islamizing Europe today.

France on fire

For a week, France has been mired in escalating riots that it can’t seem to cope with. The shooting of a 17-year-old boy fleeing police in Nanterre fueled the wave of violence. Cars, schools, public buildings are burnt, shops looted, mass thefts, attacks and destruction of all property. So far, 3,486 people have been detained, 808 security forces have been injured in clashes, 269 police or gendarmerie stations have been attacked, 5,892 vehicles have been burnt, 12,202 fires have been set, and 1,105 buildings have been burnt or damaged. Entrepreneurs estimate the damage to be around one billion euros. Tour companies, restaurants and hoteliers are seeing massive cancellations. After four nights of clashes, French media reported that the intensity of violence represented a toll far higher than during the 2005 urban riots, or “yellow vest” movement.

There is also physical aggression against city mayors. “Democracy is under attack,” says Vincent Jeanbrunn, mayor of the Paris town of Hay-les-Roses, whose home was hit by a burning car. His wife and child were injured as they fled from the assailants. “Our republic and its officials are under threat and attack more than ever,” he adds. The chief of police in L’Hay-les-Roses speaks without doubt. “This is war, and these people want to kill us,” he says.

People talk about riots, it’s war for rioters. These people standing in front of us want to kill us. They have Molotov cocktails, they have stones that come within three meters and throw huge slabs of pavement at us. They are trying to kill us, not play with us,” warns Eric Vergne.

That is still not done. Riots spread further. So far they have spread as far as Belgium. More than 130 people have been detained in Brussels and Liège since Friday. Is the response to the stimulus adequate? The answer is obvious. Is it possible to have such violent riots without efficiently igniting and controlling the demonstrators? Experience and logic rush to the obvious point.

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The Cultural Revolution and the Invasion of Islam

The history of the Cultural Revolution is well known today. The failure of the Bolshevik revolution and Moscow’s response to the idea to destroy the West in a long-term process of multi-level depression and destabilization is the underlying cause. The aim of the revolution was to destroy national states, break the spirit of patriotism, destroy the powers, destroy the church and family ties, weaken the identity of individuals and communities, implement atheism, cosmopolitanism and create a better ideological union, steeped in ideology. The cauldron of an open society. One of the ways to accelerate the processes of “progress” is the mixing of societies, large-scale multicultural activity. Western societies, suffering from population problems, willingly met the growing demand for “cheap labor” in this way. People from Muslim countries came more and more boldly. However, she has no need to coordinate. Instead, she clung to her own culture and looked away from the West, which was mentally alien to them. Meanwhile, the multiculturalism promoted displaced patriotic-Christian attitudes among Europeans, pushing them into various forms of nihilism.

Migration waves appeared cyclically with greater intensity. Threats caused by this were also observed cyclically. 2015 was a breakthrough year in this regard. The Islamist pressure is so powerful that some EU countries are still unable to cope. At the same time, there were trends towards radicalizing Muslims in Europe. There were many such signals. Some were also worried about Poland. In 2015, Imam Anjem Chaudhary said that our country is in the crosshairs of terrorists:

One day Sharia law will be introduced in Poland, because we believe that all oppressive regimes must be removed. If you are ruled by someone other than Allah, it is a form of oppression. Thanks to our policy, this rule of yours will be removed and people will be happy. In Poland, you have a liberal democratic regime that lacks strong, durable systems. Everything in you is the result of separation from Allah.

At the end of 2016, Jean Raspail gave a bitter interview to the portal wPolityce.pl. “Sheep were being slaughtered” in French and German raids at the time, he said.

After the Bataclan attack, the French began to decorate the sidewalk, rave about an open society, and avoid suspicion of Muslims. Goats. Flowers and candles will not save them. Unfortunately our political class is just as stupid and brainwashed as the citizens

He said and warned:

Islam has waged war on us. I know, soon someone will start protesting that it is not Islam, Islamic terrorists, they are not the same. I know what I am talking about and I am adamant: Islam has declared war on us. This problem can only be solved if European leaders act decisively and energetically. Leaders like Central and Eastern Europe including Poland. But if Western leaders are too shallow and weak, ignorant and cowardly, things will get worse.

Penetration of nodes

His words became prophecy. There are large numbers of Muslims in refugee camps in Europe, whom the European Commission is trying to forcibly relocate to countries like Poland. At the same time, another wave of immigrants from Africa is hitting every possible route. Be sure to pay attention to the Belarusian route here. Launched two years ago, “Operation Sluice” is one of the key elements needed to make sense of the powerful, unchecked wave of illegal immigrants coming through Russia and Belarus to weaken Europe. This happened before Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine and was a key factor in preparing the ground for planned military operations. It all adds up to a cohesive picture. All these activities are inspired and driven using multiple tools and spheres of influence. So it’s worth focusing on the Russian theme, remembering that these were the forces behind the decades-long cultural revolution.

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Read more: Marzena Nykiel: This is how you revolutionize! Here are the 4 stages of the information war that has destroyed half the world. At what stage is Poland and who is leading the street protests?

The Russians are very good at manipulation, fomenting unrest, channeling social discontent in a particular direction and using street protests to destabilize the country. We have been watching this closely for decades and know it well from history. From the revolutions of the past to the signs of the culture war sweeping America and Western Europe. Revolutions in Islamic countries followed a similar pattern. Today we are dealing with successive versions of operations that have been produced over many years and have entered a new stage of development. The civil war is in full swing. Powerful influences and interests collide. At the same time, threats unheard of just a few years ago are on the rise. Ukrainians are fighting bloodily with Russia for their own independence. Islamists are becoming radicalized in the West, and controlled and incendiary riots are intended to weaken the countries of Europe while diverting their attention from the war in the East. Putin and Lukashenko are already preparing another wave of attacks on the Belarusian-Polish border, and EU countries, unable to cope with the flood of migrants from Africa, want to forcibly transfer them to Poland. The consequences of this confusion are easy to predict. European politicians can finally take notice of this and make adequate decisions before plunging sane Poland into the spiral of their idiotic incompetence.

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Also read: Marzena Nykiel: Shocking background to the sacking of Frontex chief! Who wanted to let us into a migration trap and undermine Poland’s security?

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