War in Ukraine. The Russians opened dams at the hydroelectric station and flooded their own positions

Ukrainian journalists learned that the Russians had opened the dams at the Khakovskaya hydroelectric station. This led to the flooding of the invaders’ positions and the death of one of them. Occupancy officials say they are restricting the flow of water, but records posted online contradict this.

Russian invaders opened the locks of the Khakovskaya hydroelectric power station and released water from there in an uncontrolled manner, according to the Journalistic Investigation Center from Ukraine. Khakovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station is located on the Dnieper River near Khakovsky Reservoir in the village of Nova Khakovka in Kherson Region.

A large spill caused the Russians to flood their fortifications and trenches in the area, and one soldier died as a result of the flooding.

The Russians opened the locks on the dam. Water leaks can be found in logs

Records from May 11 show strong water flow through locks partially destroyed by the Russians and partially opened. According to journalists, there has been a significant increase in the water level in the Dnieper. Residents of the occupied part of the Kherson region reported that the water level in the Kakovsky reservoir has dropped.

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“The release of water from the power plant is restricted,” said Vladimir Zalto, head of the occupation authorities. However, as you can see in the records that appeared on the network, the leak flooded the riverside positions of the Russians.

Also, pro-Russian Telegram channels openly warned of the danger of the dam breaking and showed pictures of flooded Russian fortresses.

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The Kaczowska hydroelectric station is of major importance

Ukrainian journalists have observed that the uncontrolled discharge of water can lead to the destruction of the underwater part of the engine room at the power station or the flooding of Kherson.

Last year, the Russians cut off the Khakovskaya hydroelectric plant. At the end of April, a special unit from Ukraine used a drone to destroy the observation complex of Russian forces located in the power station building.

The FOCUS website emphasizes that the Russians often keep their military equipment at the Khakovskaya hydroelectric plant complex. In February, the Ukrainian army attacked a tank hidden at the site.


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