War in Ukraine. Russia has returned the volunteer’s body. “Man cannot bear such tortures” | News from around the world

Andrey Kostin said during a press conference on Wednesday, September 7 Russia Body British Volunteer Paul Ure had many signs of torture. The man took part in the evacuation of civilians in Zaporizhia province, after which he was illegally captured by Russian soldiers on April 25. died In custody on 10th July – reported then BBC.

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Ukraine. The body of a British volunteer was returned. He has multiple injury marks

As per the information provided Office of the Attorney General A 45-year-old man was taken to occupied areas in the Donetsk region. The Russian Federation announced in July that he had died of “illness and stress”. After less than two months of negotiations with Ukraine Russia He returned the man’s body to Ukrainian-controlled territory. According to Andriy Kostin, the volunteer shows signs of physical injuries, which means he was tortured. – The body, provided by the occupier’s country, was improperly stored and decomposed, so the actual causes of death will be determined after a forensic medical examination – says Solicitor General Ukraine.

“Death is cruel, a man cannot endure such torture, I saw the body and all who see it will not doubt. The killing of volunteer Paul Urey by torture was a war crime, which will be further evidence. “Investigation against Putin” – Ukrainian human rights spokesman Dmytro Zubinets said. “Body parts are missing, numerous cuts and signs of torture,” he says.

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War in Ukraine. An inquiry has been launched into the death of the British

The Main Intelligence Department of the Security Service of Ukraine handled the investigation. They are overseen by Attorney General Andrey Kostin. – The Russian Federation once again shows its cannibalistic face, with thousands of citizens, including civilians, illegally detained. Russia As hostages in the temporarily occupied territory, they are tortured daily. They were also threatened with extrajudicial execution. The Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons prohibits the taking hostage, mutilation, cruel treatment, torture and ill-treatment of civilians in wartime. Citizens should have access to medical care and medicines. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation does not comply with any of the rules of the civilized world to which it is a signatory, Andrei Kostin pointed out. The lawyer also expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased. “Ukrainians will never forget all those who helped our country as civilians or military volunteers in the fight against Russian aggression,” Kostin said.

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