War in Ukraine. Deep fake. The mayor of Berlin spoke to Fake Vitalize Gliska

The video conference was arranged in advance by email. At the beginning of the conversation “Klikska” asked Kifi how many Ukrainian refugees Berlin has already accepted and how financial aid works. – Describes the “Built” magazine.

After a while, however, the conversation took an unexpected turn: “Klitschko” asked Kifi to deport all Ukrainian men to Ukraine with the help of the police.. This caused great suspicion among the people of Berlin. “The conversation and the topic caused distrust on the part of Berlin. The conversation was stopped early,” he told the Senate Chancellor.

“There is no indication that the video conference was not conducted with a real person. It sounds like a deep fake“- wrote the law firm on Twitter.

Deep dummy is images, videos or audio recordings created using artificial intelligence. For example, the ZDF TV portal explains that the most popular and popular form of deepfacks is “Face Swap” – which can be created very easily through the application.

According to the rbb24 portal, the video interview was scheduled a few weeks ago. Leadmotif should be a collaboration between Berlin and Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

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Vitaliy Klitschko confirmed to “Bild” on Friday evening: “I did not speak to the mayor of Berlin today.

Immediately after the video conference, the Senate President informed the Ukrainian Embassy in Berlin. From there came a confirmation: Vitaly Klitschko did not speak to Kifi.

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