War in Ukraine. 393rd day of invasion of Russia. live

Second day of visit to Poland British Crown Prince William Among others laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, The President met Andrzej Duda, and finally, in Hala Kosciki, he spoke with refugees from Ukraine.He got a job in Warsaw.

The British succession to the throne began with an official wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw. In 1996, flowers were laid at the same location by Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip of Edinburgh during their state visit to Poland.

At the ceremony, Prince William learned about the history of the cemetery. Among other things, he learned that the eternal candle next to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was lit again after World War II. He also heard the story of the caskets placed near the grave containing soil from the battlefields where Polish soldiers had fought.

After making an entry in the guest book, Prince William went to the Presidential Palace, where he met with President Andrzej Duda. After this meeting, the President’s office said. The topic of conversation was humanitarian aid against Ukraine. “The Prince of Wales thanked the Poles for their generosity and hospitality,” the president’s chancellor wrote on Twitter.

The British heir to the throne visited Hala Kosice on the second day of his visit to Warsaw, where he met refugees from Ukraine who had settled in Warsaw and worked in the Polish capital. The meeting was attended by members of Polish aid organizations and residents of Warsaw, who welcomed refugees from Ukraine into their homes.

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