Volodymyr Zelensky to Russian soldiers: Leave your equipment and save lives

Later in the speech, the Ukrainian leader paid special attention to the role of Poland and thanked the support of European countries. – I spoke yesterday (Sunday) with the Presidents of Portugal and Lithuania and the President of France Emmanuel Macron. With Polish President Andrzej Duda. I am especially grateful to Andrzej for the fruitful work we have done together. I spoke with the Prime Ministers of Belgium and Spain, and with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson. Zhelensky declared that the support of our anti-war coalition was unconditional and unprecedented. “I am especially grateful to President Andrzej Duda for our useful work,” he stressed.

Volodymyr Zelensky: It so happened that each of us was a warrior

– When I ran for president, I was told that each of us was president. Because we are all responsible for our country. To our beautiful Ukraine. Now it has happened that each of us is a warrior. I firmly believe that each of us will win – said the President of Ukraine.

– Our soldiers are fighting not only for our country, but for the whole of Europe. For all children in Europe. We are grateful to our allies for being with us, but our goal is to be with all Europeans, and most importantly to be equal. I firmly believe that it is true and that we deserve it. I firmly believe that this is possible, Zhelensky said in his speech.

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The President of Ukraine also addressed Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. Do not listen to your officials and campaigners; Leave your equipment and save lives – he pleaded.

I ask mothers, children, fathers in Russia: Thousands of your soldiers are already dead, why did you come, why did you come? – Added.

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