Vladimir Putin with New Year’s speech. “Western Lies”

In turn, the Washington Post reported on Friday that, based on conversations with members of the Russian political and business elite, “they are frustrated with the war in Ukraine and believe Putin does not know how to get out of the current situation. They also expect the Russian economy to deteriorate further.

As Catherine Belton, author of the book “Putin’s People”, wrote in an article, there are in Russia The rift deepens between the president And “large sections of the country’s elite” are said to be deeply dissatisfied with the way things are going and fearful about the future.

“He reigns among the people around him Big disappointment. Obviously he is Don’t know what to do“, one of the Russian billionaires with ties to the Kremlin told the journalist. In turn, Putin’s only plan is to continue bombing Ukrainian infrastructure to force Ukraine and the West to talk on his terms, a government official said anonymously. Putin’s failure to answer key questions According to the journalist’s source, the discussions on the future of the conflict led to the cancellation of Putin’s traditional end-of-year conference and the annual New Year’s Eve meeting with the oligarchs.

According to Russian researcher Tatiana Stanova, The Russian elite is divided into two camps: “Putin’s chef” and military establishment owner Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin and those who want an end to the war.

For how China and India say they want to end the war very quickly – reports the American newspaper.

The Washington Post also notes Putin’s growing isolation. He points out that the only foreign leader he might make a “serious visit” to is Belarusian dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenka. “Everyone sees him only when necessary,” a Russian official told the newspaper.

On Saturday, Putin departed from his March decision and signed a new decree under which “unfriendly countries” that refused to pay for gas in rubles could settle their debts in foreign currency.

According to: Russia is deeply wounded. India and China will not heal

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