Vladimir Putin lands in China. The most important thing is the “one plus four” meeting [WIDEO]

Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s adviser on international affairs, insisted that the choice of China for the president’s first foreign trip was no coincidence – It echoes a similar gesture of friendship made by Chinese President Xi Jinping last year.

In Beijing, Putin meets his counterpart, Prime Minister Xi Jinping. The Russian head of state is accompanied by a highly representative delegation.

It includes five deputy prime ministers, the heads of the economic, diplomatic and defense departments, as well as the heads of the Central Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Russian Railways, Rosatom and Roscosmos.

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The bilateral talks will focus on the development and expansion of trade and economic ties. During the meeting, Putin and Xi Jinping will also discuss the most important political and regional issues. However, according to Ushako, the most important part of the meeting in Beijing will take place in an informal environment behind closed doors. In a “one plus four” format, the two heads of state will hold a detailed discussion on the situation in Ukraine, the Russian news agency reported.

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